- At this our solemn feast
- let holy joys abound,
- and from the inmost breast
- let songs of praise resound;
- let ancient rites depart,
- and all be new around,
- in every act, and voice, and heart.
- Remember we that eve,
- when, the Last Supper spread,
- Christ, as we all believe,
- the Lamb, with leavenless bread,
- among His brethren shared,
- and thus the Law obeyed,
- of all unto their sire declared.
- The typic Lamb consumed,
- the legal Feast complete,
- the Lord unto the Twelve
- His Body gave to eat;
- the whole to all, no less
- the whole to each did mete
- with His own hands, as we confess.
- He gave them, weak and frail,
- His Flesh, their Food to be;
- on them, downcast and sad,
- His Blood bestowed He:
- and thus to them He spake,
- “Receive this Cup from Me,
- and all of you of this partake.”
- So He this Sacrifice
- to institute did will,
- and charged His priests alone
- that office to fulfill:
- to them He did confide:
- to whom it pertains still
- to take, and the rest divide.
- Thus Angels’ Bread is made
- the Bread of man today:
- the Living Bread from heaven
- with figures dost away:
- O miraculous gift indeed!
- the poor and lowly may
- upon their Lord and Master feed.
- Thee, therefore, we implore,
- O Godhead, One in Three,
- so may Thou visit us
- as we now worship Thee;
- and lead us on Thy way,
- That we at last may see
- the light wherein Thou dwellest aye.