Dr. Sherri Melrose
Dr. Sherri Melrose

Welcome to my Virtual Memory Box! A memory box is something where people put keepsakes so that they are all in one place and are easy to find. My memory box is virtual and it contains a selection of academic keepsakes that I have created during my career as both a psychiatric nurse and a teacher. I divided my academic keepsakes into three general sections: books (Open Education Resources – or OER e-books that are available for free); journal articles from a variety of refereed publications; and teaching resources.

With a background in both psychiatric mental health nursing and education, I worked on forensic, acute assessment and day hospital pychiatric units; and taught in traditional diploma schools of nursing, community colleges and universities. I have been an Associate Professor at Athabasca University for nearly twenty years, where I authored and instructed in both undergraduate and graduate classes.

During my tenure at Athabasca University, I served as Chair of the Research Ethics Review Board for two terms. I also chaired the Canada-wide Clinical Teaching Interest Group for four terms and served as President of Western and Northern Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (WRCASN). I am a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) Award for Excellence in Nursing Education and the WNRCASN Educational Innovation Award.

My research projects have been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council (SSHRC), the Collaborative Research Grant Initiative (CRGI), WNRCASN and Athabasca University. In the community, I am an active volunteer with my local United Church of Canada, community kitchen and animal rescue shelter.

My Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching Journey

My Curriculum Vitae


Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions

Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions
Read Book
Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry

For healthcare professionals, clinical education is foundational to the learning process. However, balancing safe patient care with supportive learning opportunities for students can be challenging for instructors and the complex social context of clinical learning environments makes intentional teaching approaches essential. Clinical instructors require advanced teaching knowledge and skills as learners are often carrying out interventions on real people in unpredictable environments.

Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions is an indispensable guide for educators in the health professions. Interspersed with creative strategies and notes from the field by clinical teachers who offer practical suggestions, this volume equips healthcare educators with sound pedagogical theory. The authors focus on the importance of personal philosophies, resilience, and professional socialization while evaluating the current practices in clinical learning environments from technology to assessment and evaluation. This book provides instructors with the tools to influence both student success and the quality of care provided by future practitioners.

Melrose, S., Park, C., & Perry, B. (2021). Creative clinical teaching in the health professions. AU PRESS. https://www.aupress.ca/books/creative-clinical-teaching-in-the-health-professions/


Centring Human Connections in the Education of Health Professionals

Centring Human Connections in the Education of Health Professionals
Read Book
Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry

Many of today’s learning environments are dominated by technology or procedure-driven approaches that leave learners feeling alone and disconnected. The authors of Centring Human Connections in the Education of Health Professionals argue that educational processes in the health disciplines should model, integrate, and celebrate human connections because it is these connections that will foster the development of competent and caring health professionals.

Centring Human Connections in the Education of Health Professionals equips educators working in clinical, classroom, and online settings with a variety of teaching strategies that facilitate essential human connections. Included is an overview of the educational theory that grounds the authors’ thinking, enabling the educators who employ the strategies included in the book to assess their fit within curriculum requirements and personal teaching philosophies and understand how and why they work.

Melrose, S., Park, C., & Perry, B. (2020). Centring human connections in the education of health professionals. AU PRESS. https://www.aupress.ca/books/120289-centring-human-connections-in-the-education-of-health-professionals/


Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions

Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions
Read Book
Melrose, Sherri, Park, Caroline, Perry, Beth

This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in ‘what to do,’ the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

Melrose, S., Park, C. & Perry, B. (2015). Creative clinical teaching in the health professions. Retrieved from https://clinicalteaching.pressbooks.com

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike

Teaching Health Professionals Online

Frameworks and Strategies

Teaching Health Professionals Online
Read Book
Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry

Teaching Health Professionals Online is a must-read for professionals in the health care field who strive to deliver excellence in their online classes. Intended for a wide range of professionals, including nurses, social workers, occupational and radiation therapists, chiropractors, dietitians, and dental hygienists, this compendium of teaching strategies will inspire both new and experienced instructors in the health professions. In addition to outlining creative, challenging activities with step-by-step directions and explanations of why they work, each chapter in the text situates practice within the context of contemporary educational theories such as instructional immediacy, invitational theory, constructivism, connectivism, transformative learning, and quantum learning theory. The authors also address other issues familiar to those who have taught online courses. How can a distance instructor build teacher-student relationships? How does one transform the assumptions often held by students in the health fields from the confines of the virtual classroom? Most importantly, how can the instructor support his or her students in their future pursuits of knowledge and their development as competent professionals? By considering these and other concerns, this handbook aims to help instructors increase student success and satisfaction, which, the authors hope, will ultimately produce the best possible patient care.

Melrose, S., Park, C. L., & Perry, B. (2013). Teaching health professionals online: Frameworks and strategies. AU Press. https://www.aupress.ca/books/120234-teaching-health-professionals-online/


Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness

What Caregivers Need to Know

Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness
Read Book
Sherri Melrose, Ph.D. and Melrose, S., Dusome, D., Simpson, J., Crocker, C., Athens, E.

This multidisciplinary resource develops topics of interest to all those who care about and for individuals with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Each chapter presents current evidence informed practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with audio enabled text boxes emphasizing ‘Key Points for Caregivers.’ For those who are interested in background knowledge, we provided the comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in ‘what to do,’ we provided text box summaries for reading and listening.

Melrose, S., Dusome, D., Simpson, J., Crocker, C., Athens, E. (2015). Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness: What Caregivers Need to Know. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: BCcampus. Retrieved from http://opentextbc.ca/caregivers/

CC-BY 4.0

Journal Articles


Pre-Service Learners

Education - Pre-Service Learners
Vdub144 / CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0


Facilitating Constructivist Learning Environments Using Mind Maps and Concept Maps as Advance Organizers

Balancing Reflection and Validity in Health Profession Students‘ Self-Assessment

Pass/Fail and Discretionary Grading: A Snapshot of Their Influences on Learning


Mentoring non-traditional students in clinical practicums: Building on strengths

Lunch with the theorists: A clinical learning activity

What works? A personal account of clinical teaching strategies in nursing

The role of the clinical instructor


Peer E-Mentoring Podcasts in a Self-Paced Course

Instructional immediacy online

In-Service Learners

Education - In-Service Learners
Pereira / CC-0

LPN to BN Learners

Education - LPN to BN Learners
Thompson Rivers / CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0

Asynchronous online peer assistance: Telephone messages of encouragement in post licensure nursing programs

Resisting, Reaching Out and Re-imagining to Independence: LPN’s Transitioning towards BNs and Beyond

Licensed Practical Nurses becoming Registered Nurses: Conflicts and responses that can help

Becoming Socialized into a New Professional Role: LPN to BN Student Nurses’ Experiences with Legitimation

From vocational college to university: How one group of nurses experienced the transition

LPN to BN Nurses: Introducing a New Group of Potential Health Care Leaders

Overcoming barriers to role transition during an online post LPN to BN program

Online Post LPN to BN Students’ Views of Transitioning to a New Nursing Role

“RN means Real Nurse”: Perceptions of Being a “Real” Nurse in a Post LPN-BN Bridging Program

Psychiatric Mental Health Learners

Psychiatric Mental Health Learners

Graduate Studies Learners

Education - Graduate Studies Learners
Yourdon / CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0

Online Graduate Study Health Care Learners’ Perceptions of Instructional Immediacy

Research Ethics Review Processes: Potential Teaching Tools for Health Professions Students

Skills for succeeding in online graduate studies

Mentoring online graduate students: Partners in scholarship

Graduate students’ experiences with research ethics in conducting health research

Online Interest Groups: Virtual Gathering Spaces to Promote Graduate Student Interaction

Instructor immediacy strategies to facilitate group work in online graduate study

Online Graduate Study Health Care Learners’ Perceptions of Group Work and Helpful Instructional Behaviors

Help-Seeking Experiences of Health Care Learners in a WebCT Online Graduate Study Program

Facilitating help-seeking through student interactions in a WebCT online graduate study program

Mental Health

Depressive Disorders

Mental Health - Depressive Disorders
Hodan / CC-0 1.0



Developmental Disabilities

Developmental Disabilities


Topics of Interest


Teaching Resources

Open Educational Resources

OER Cover
Read Book
Melrose, Sherri, Swettenham, Steve

This collection of Open Educational Resources (OERs) was created for deployment in a graduate course at Athabasca University. They are available free of charge and can be repurposed as per the Creative Commons license. This project/resource was Funded by the Alberta Open Educational Resources (ABOER) Initiative, which is made possible through an investment from the Alberta government.

Melrose, S., & Swettenham, S. (2016). Open Educational Resources. Retrieved from http://epub-fhd.athabascau.ca/oer/

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike

Welcoming Students to a Graduate Course ‘Dissemination

Welcoming Students to a Graduate Course ‘Clinical Teaching & Learning

Welcoming Students to a Graduate Course ‘Teaching in Health Disciplines

Lesson on ‘Collaborative Relationships and Group Dynamics

Lesson on ‘Creating a Teaching Toolbox

Lesson on ‘Reflection in Teaching

Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness

Sirius Radio Interview on ‘Seasonal Depression