Book Title: The Singularity Isn’t Nigh and Here’s Why

Book Description: Students in an undergraduate seminar in Cognitive Science share what they've learned, regarding the state of the field in AI research. While AI work is remarkable, even the most astonishing projects are a far cry from replicating human intelligence. Why is that? Well, for one, humans have yet to pin down their own intelligence.
Book Information
Book Description
Students in an undergraduate seminar in Cognitive Science share what they’ve learned, regarding the state of the field in AI research. While AI work is remarkable, even the most astonishing projects are a far cry from replicating human intelligence. Why is that? Well, for one, humans have yet to pin down their own intelligence. While work in AI may eventually point humans towards an answers to pressing questions regarding the nature of consciousness and matters of intelligence, at this present moment, the hard problem of consciousness is still that: a problem without a solution.
The Singularity Isn’t Nigh and Here’s Why Copyright © 2020 by Erica Kleinknecht, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Cognition and cognitive psychology