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Three Relevant Case Studies:

Ansell, and Gash. Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice. University of California, Berkely, 2008.

Beier, Paul, Hansen, Lara J., Helbrecht, Lynn, Behar, David. (August 2016). A How-to Guide for Coproduction of Actionable Science. Conservation Letters.

Calhoun, Aram, et al. (2019) “Actions Speak Louder than Words.” Journal of Environmental Studies and Science.

Calhoun, Aram, et al. (2019) “Conserving Vernal Pool Ecosystems and Supporting Municipal Growth through Stakeholder Engagement – Case Study.”

Clark, William. (6 February 2007). Sustainability Science: A Room of Its Own . PNAS.

Matson. (2016). “Pursuing Sustainability: A Guide to the Science and Practice (Hardcover and EBook) | Princeton University Press.” Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University, Retrieved from press.princeton.edu/titles/10777.html

Levesque, Vanessa, et al. (2016) “Turning Contention into Collaboration.” Society and Natural Resources.

Levesque, Vanessa, et al. (2019).“Vernal Pool Conservation: Enhancing Existing Regulation Through the Creation of the Maine Vernal Pool Special Area Management Plan.”

Levesque, Vanessa. Vernal Pools Background – Slides.

McGreavy, Bridie, Hutchins, Karen, Smith, Holly, Lindenfeld, Laura, Silka, Linda. (August 2013). Addressing the Complexities of Boundary Work in Sustainability Science through Communication. Open Access Sustainability. Retrieved from http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability

Perry, Elissa, and Aja Duncan. (2017). “Multiple Ways of Knowing.”

Remington-Doucette. Sustainable World. 2nd ed.

Rockingham Planning Commission. (September 2015). From Tides to Storms: Preparing for New Hampshire’s Future Coast.

Strober, Myra H. (2010) Interdisciplinary Conversations : Challenging Habits of Thought, Stanford University Press. ProQuest Ebook Central, Retrieved from http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/unh/detail.action?docID=683280.

Princeton University Press. (2016). Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University, Retrieved from press.princeton.edu/titles/10777.html.

McGreavy, Bridie, Hutchins, Karen, Smith, Holly, Lindenfeld, Laura, Silka, Linda. (August 2013). Addressing the Complexities of Boundary Work in Sustainability Science through Communication. Open Access Sustainability. http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability.

“Vernal Pool SAMP.” Of Pools and People, www.vernalpools.me. Photos: Fig 1. Retrieved from http://www.vernalpools.me/about-us-of-pools-and-people/ Fig 2. Others from google images