
6 Research Question 1 (Theory)

The Purpose of Research Questions

Researchers conduct studies, and they write about those studies in journal articles and books. That general body of research is called “literature.” As you read the literature, you will see what others have written about the topic you are researching. You will review, analyze, and synthesize that information to write what is called a literature review. The first step in the literature review is to write research questions.

A research question (RQ) poses a question about your topic. It is then your job to search scholarly literature for the answer to that question. The number and focus of research questions depends upon a researcher’s purpose. Your MSIDT project will have two research questions. Research Question 1 addresses theory, and Research Question 2 addresses instructional strategies.

The Role of Theory in Research

Research Question 1 (RQ1) deals with theory. Think of a theory as ethnic cuisine. Many restaurants serve chicken. However, depending on the restaurant (Thai, Mexican, Italian, etc.), that chicken will have a different flavor based on the ethnic tradition of the restaurant. In our example, learning is like the generic chicken, and the different theories are like the different restaurants that have their own way of interpreting and approaching the meal. The restaurant you choose determines how the chicken will be prepared. Likewise, the theory you choose will determine how the instruction will be conducted.

Your RQ1 can include more than one theory. For example, a training module might have a behaviorist element (video tutorial) and a constructivist element (play a game). Therefore, both theories, behaviorism and constructivism, could be addressed in RQ1.

RQ1 Requirements

Your Research Question 1 must meet the following criteria:

  1. The question focuses specifically on theory (with no mention of strategies or assessment).
  2. The question has a complex answer. (It is not a yes/no question.)
  3. The answer requires research.
  4. The question is open to debate.
  5. The question avoids absolutes such as “best,” “most effective,” etc.
  6. The question does not ask “why.”

RQ1 Styles

RQ1 addresses theory, and it can do so in three different ways.

Exploratory RQ (Recommended for Beginners)

For your MSIDT project, you must develop a research question that addresses theory. Unless you know what theories are out there and which one(s) you want to research, I recommend using an exploratory RQ. An exploratory RQ asks about theories in general rather than focusing on a specific category of theories or an individual theory. This general approach will give you an instant start in working toward your final literature review, even if you are unfamiliar with learning theories. This flexible style can serve as the RQ in your final project, or you can narrow it later as you learn more about theories. Here are examples of exploratory research questions:

  • Which learning theories can provide relevant guidance when developing online courses to teach adult learners over the age of 50?
  • Which learning theories can be appropriate when creating lessons for third grade students in computer classes?
  • For technical training at a distance, which learning theories can be appropriate?
  • Which learning theories have been cited in research about successful mobile-learning?
  • Which learning theories have guided successful online training courses for frontline employees?

Category-based RQ:

The category-based RQ narrows the focus to a general category of theories (behaviorism, cogntivism, constructivism). This RQ style can work if you have a general sense of the theories that have relevance to your purpose and audience. Consider the samples below.

  • Why can constructivism be an appropriate theory for developing instruction that guides supervisors in hiring practices?
  • Which aspects of constructivism can have relevance when teaching college faculty the basics of virtual reality?
  • Why are aspects of constructivism and cognitivism applicable to the design of effective language learning experiences in digital platforms?
  • In what ways has successful mobile-learning have reflected the perspective of connectivism?

Specific-Theory RQ:

If you have identified a specific theory (or theories) that relate to your audience and purpose, you can name the specific theory in your RQ. Here are some examples.

  • Which components of Knowles theory of andragogy can be effectively applied in online education?
  • What guidance do research-based multimedia theories provide concerning the effect of CBT design?
  • What components of Keller’s ARCS model of motivation can be applied to training development for newly-hired assembly line technicians.
  • How can the learning theories of connectivism and transformative learning be integraterd within fully online asynchronous classes to support and teach underserved students?