
7 Research Question 2 (Instructional Strategies)

Instructional Strategies

RQ2 references instructional strategies. Through your review of literature, you will answer RQ2 to determine which instructional strategies are the best fit for your product’s audience, guiding theory(ies), and instructional situation. Each instructional strategy must align with the theory that you have chosen.

To use the restaurant example, if I go to a Chinese restaurant (theory), I expect Chinese food (strategies), not a chicken taco. The same principle applies to your literature review. If your RQ1 focuses on constructivism, your RQ2 section must feature studies that focus only on constructivist instructional strategies.

RQ2 Requirements

Your Research Question 2 must meet the following criteria.

  1. The question focuses specifically on instructional strategies. 
  2. The question has a complex answer. (It is not a yes/no question.)
  3. The answer requires research.
  4. The question is open to debate.
  5. The question avoids absolutes such as “best,” “most effective,” etc.
  6. The question does not ask why.

RQ2 Styles

When addressing instructional strategies, RQ2 options range from the general to the specific. Keep in mind that the theories that you choose must align with your guiding theory.

Exploratory RQ (Recommended for Beginners)

In the following examples you’ll see that rather than asking about a specific strategy or strategies, the RQ is open to all instructional strategies. Unless you know what strategies are out there and which one(s) you want to research, I recommend using the exploratory RQ for this class. The exploratory RQ gives you an instant start. This flexible style can be in your final project, or you can adapt it later as you learn more about theories. Consider the following examples.

  • What are effective instructional strategies for online learners who have limited computer knowledge?
  • Which online instructional strategies promote transfer of second language acquisition to non-digital tasks?
  • What online instructional strategies can prepare faculty to successfully implement virtual reality in their college classes?
  • Which instructional strategies can support increased passing rates among technicians who take X9R certification training

Theory-specific RQ:

If you have identified a theory in RQ1, you can reference that theory in RQ2 when addressing your instructional strategies. Here are some examples:

  • Which cognitive and behaviorist teaching strategies can help university faculty acquire basic proficiency with their university’s learning management system (LMS)?
  • Which constructivist instructional strategies are most effective when teaching teens about parenting? 
  • Which behaviorist instructional strategies can improve safety scores among Level 2 warehouse workers? 
  • Which constructivist instructional strategies can help call center employees develop strong customer service skills? 
  • Which cognitive and constructivist instructional strategies can prepare K-12 teachers for writing their teaching-philosophy paper. 

Strategy-specific RQ:

If you have identified a theory in RQ1, you can name a specific instructional strategy in RQ2. Keep in mind that the instructional strategy must align with your designated learning theory. Here are some examples.

  • How does the scaffolding of online instruction affect the motivation of learners who possess a problem-centered orientation to learning?

  • How can annotation strategies improve readers’ understanding and retention of what they read?

  • How do segmenting and personalization affect learning from multimedia instruction? 

  • In what ways can collaborative learning be successfully integrated into an online learning environment?

  • What direct-instruction strategies are effective in asynchronous online learning?