Book Title: Access for All

Book Description: This resource was created as additional support for our faculty, staff and students at the University of Mary Washington. The Access for All resource provides information and guidance around working with students who choose to self-disclose a disability. In addition, it provides direct information on finding and creating accessible materials, and the accessibility of commonly used online platforms.
Book Information
Book Description
This resource was created as additional support for our faculty, staff and students at the University of Mary Washington. The Access for All resource provides information and guidance around working with students who choose to self-disclose a disability. In addition, it provides direct information on finding and creating accessible materials, and the accessibility of commonly used online platforms. We hope that our campus community finds the information in this resource to be helpful as they continue to create their inclusive classrooms, campus procedures and materials, in support of those that choose to make UMW their home throughout their college years.
The Office of Disability Resources will continue to monitor and address the accessibility of the online platforms and software utilized by those at the University and update the resource as needed. We hope by doing this we will be able to continue to provide our campus with current information about the accessibility of products utilized in our classrooms and around campus. We welcome the continued conversation around accessibility and our growth as a community towards inclusivity.
We had many partners in the creation of this resource and thank them for their feedback, contributions and willingness to assist in the planning of this resource.
Access for All Copyright © 2020 by dsmith24; Alison Grimes; and Danielle Smith. All Rights Reserved.
Teacher training