
This timeline includes the main book for each bibliography item along with other African books mentioned in that item, but I have not included the non-African books mentioned in the bibliography.

~ ~ ~

#42. Burton, Richard Francis. Wanderings in West Africa. [1863]

#34. Bleek, Wilhelm. Reynard the Fox in South Africa, or Hottentot Fables and Tales. [1864]

#42. Burton, Richard Francis. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa. [1865]

#45. Callaway, Henry. Nursery Tales, Traditions, and Histories of the Zulus. [1868]

#180. Steere, Edward. Swahili Tales as Told by Natives of Zanzibar. [1870]

#45. Callaway, Henry. The Religious System of the Amazulu. [1884]

#68. Dennett, Richard. Seven Years among the Fjort. [1887]
#130. Madan, Arthur. Kiungani, or: Story and History from Central Africa. [1887]

#49. Chatelain, Heli. Folk-Tales of Angola. [1894]

#68. Dennett, Richard. Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort. [1898]

#23. Baskerville, Rosetta. The Flame Tree and Other Folk-Lore Stories from Uganda. [1900]

#24. Basset, René. Moorish Literature. [1901]
#25. Bateman, George. Zanzibar Tales Told by Natives of the East Coast of Africa. [1901]

#63. Cronise, Florence and Henry Ward. Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider, and the Other Beef: West African Folk Tales. [1903]

#128. Littmann, Enno. The Legend of the Queen of Sheba in the Tradition of Axum. [1904]
#196. Vaughan, Arthur Owen. Old Hendrik’s Tales. [1904]

#108. Hollis, Alfred Claud. The Masai: Their Language and Folklore. [1905]

#165. Rattray, R. Sutherland. Folklore Stories and Songs in Chinyanja. [1907]

#36. Bourhill, Mrs. E. J. and Mrs. J. B. Drake. Fairy Tales from South Africa. [1908]
#111. Jacottet, Édouard. The Treasury of Ba-suto Lore. [1908]
#130. Madan, Arthur. Lala-Lamba Handbook. [1908]

#46. Camphor, Alexander Priestley. Missionary Story Sketches: Folk-Lore from Africa. [1909]
#84. Frobenius, Leo. The Childhood of Man. [1909]
#108. Hollis, Alfred Claud. The Nandi: Their Language and Folklore. [1909]

#67. Dayrell, Elphinstone. Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria. [1910]
#68. Dennett, Richard. Nigerian Studies: The Religious and Political System of the Yoruba. [1910]
#191. Tremearne, Arthur J. N.. Fables and Fairy Tales for Little Folk, or: Uncle Remus in Hausaland. [1910]

#35. Bleek, Wilhelm. Specimens of Bushman Folklore. [1911]

#147. Nassau, Robert. Where Animals Talk: West African Folklore Tales. [1912]
#191. Tremearne, Arthur J. N.. The Tailed Head-hunters of Nigeria. [1912]

#67. Dayrell, Elphinstone. Ikom Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria. [1913]
#84. Frobenius, Leo. The Voice of Africa. [1913]
#165. Rattray, R. Sutherland. Hausa Folklore. [1913]
#191. Tremearne, Arthur J. N.. Hausa Superstitions and Customs: An Introduction to the Folk-Lore and the Folk. [1913]
#191. Tremearne, Arthur J. N.. Some Austral-African Notes and Anecdotes. [1913]
#197. Weeks, John. Among Congo Cannibals. [1913]
#79. Ellis, George Washington. Negro Culture In West Africa. [1914]

#196. Metelerkamp, Sanni. Outa Karel’s Stories: South African Folklore Tales. [1914]
#191. Tremearne, Arthur J. N.. Hausa Folk-tales: The Hausa Text. [1914]
#191. Tremearne, Arthur J. N.. The Ban of the Bori: Demons and Demon-dancing in West and North Africa. [1914]

#128. Littmann, Enno. Tales, Customs, Names and Dirges of the Tigre Tribes. [1915]

#165. Rattray, R. Sutherland. Ashanti Proverbs. [1916]

#20. Barker, William and Cecilia Sinclair. West African Folk-Tales. [1917]

#180. Steere, Edward. Swahili Exercises. [1918]

#27. Bender, Carl. African Jungle Tales. [1919]
#138. McPherson, Ethel. Native Fairy Tales of South Africa. [1919]
#180. Steere, Edward. A Handbook of the Swahili Language as Spoken at Zanzibar. [1919]

#41. Burlin, Natalie Curtis, with C. Kamba Simango and Madikane Čele. Songs and Tales from the Dark Continent. [1920]
#179. Smith, Edwin and Andrew Dale. The Ila-speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. [1920]

#167. Ruskin, Edward Algernon. Mongo Proverbs and Fables. [1921]
#197. Weeks, John. Congo Life and Folklore. [1921]

#23. Baskerville, Rosetta. The King of the Snakes and Other Folk-Lore Stories from Uganda. [1922]
#40. Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek. [1922]
#43. Burton, William F. P.. Missionary Pioneering in Congo Forests. [1922]

#106. Rickert, Edith. The Bojabi Tree. [1923]

#27. Bender, Carl. Proverbs of West Africa. [1924]
#35. Bleek, Wilhelm, with Lucy Lloyd and Dorothea Bleek. The Mantis and His Friends: Bushman Folklore. [1924]

#198. Werner, Alice. The Mythology of All Races: African. [1925]

#196. Waters, Mary Waterton. Cameos From the Kraal. [1926]

#73. Doke, Clement. Lamba Folk-Lore. [1927]

#127. Lindblom, Gerhard. Kamba Tales of Animals. [1928]

#151. Ogumefu, Margaret Irene. Yoruba Legends. [1929]

#165. Rattray, R. Sutherland. Akan-Ashanti Folk-Tales. [1930]

#73. Doke, Clement. The Lambas of Northern Rhodesia: A Study of Their Customs and Beliefs. [1931]

#198. Werner, Alice. Myths and Legends of the Bantu. [1932]

#40. Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Alexander Book in Ethiopia. [1933]

#99. Hambly, Wilfrid. The Ovimbundu of Angola. [1934]
#113. Kaggwa, Apollo. Customs of the Baganda. [1934]

#149. Nyabongo, Akiki. Africa Answers Back. [1936]
#40. Wheeler, Post. The Golden Legend of Ethiopia. [1936]

#84. Frobenius, Leo. African Genesis: Folk Tales and Myths of Africa. [1937]
#192. Tucker, Archie. Disappointed Lion and Other Stories from the Bari of Central Africa. [1937]

#105. Herskovits, Melville and Frances Herskovits. Dahomey, An Ancient West African Kingdom. [1938]

#78. Elliot, Geraldine. The Long Grass Whispers. [1939]
#149. Nyabongo, Akiki. Winds and Lights. [1939]

#196. Marais, Josef. Koos, the Hottentot: Tales of the Veld. [1945]

#113. Kalibala, Ernest Balintuma and Mary Gould. Wakaima and the Clay Man, and Other African Folktales. [1946]

#53. Courlander, Harold and George Herzog. The Cow-tail Switch, and Other West African Stories. [1947]

#78. Elliot, Geraldine. Where the Leopard Passes: A Book of African Folk Tales. [1949]
#99. Hambly, Wilfrid. Talking Animals. [1949]

#54. Courlander, Harold and Wolf Leslau. The Fire on the Mountain, and Other Ethiopian Stories. [1950]

#164. Radin, Paul. African Folktales and Sculptures. [1952]

#192. Tucker, Archie N.. The Non-Bantu Languages of Northeastern Africa. [1956]

#55. Courlander, Harold and Albert Kofi Prempeh. The Hat-Shaking Dance, and Other Tales from the Gold Coast. [1957]

#8. Achebe, Chinua and John Iroaganachi. Things Fall Apart. [1958]
#88. Gilstrap, Robert and Irene Estabrook. The Sultan’s Fool, and Other North African Tales. [1958]
#105. Herskovits, Melville and Frances Herskovits. Dahomean Narrative: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. [1958]

#66. Davis, Russell and Brent Ashabranner. The Lion’s Whiskers: Tales of High Africa. [1959]

#1. Aardema, Verna. Tales from the Story Hat. [1960]
#37. Aardema, Verna. The Na of Wa. [1960]
#89. Aardema, Verna. Otwe. [1960]
#89. Aardema, Verna. The Sky-God Stories. [1960]
#62. Creel, J. Luke and Bai Gai Kiahon. Folk Tales of Liberia. [1960]

#43. Burton, William. The Magic Drum: Tales from Central Africa. [1961]
#110. Jablow, Alta. Yes and No: The Intimate Folklore of Africa. [1961]
#168. Savory, Phyllis. Zulu Fireside Tales. [1961]
#194. Walker, Barbara and Warren Walker. Nigerian Folk Tales. [1961]

#16. Arnott, Kathleen. African Myths and Legends. [1962]
#56. Courlander, Harold. The King’s Drum, and Other African Stories. [1962]
#80. Ennis, Merlin. Umbundu: Folk Tales from Angola. [1962]
#123. Leslau, Charlotte. African Proverbs. [1962]
#168. Savory, Phyllis. Congo Fireside Tales. [1962]

#48. Carpenter, Frances. African Wonder Tales. [1963]
#66. Davis, Russell. Land in the Sun: The Story of West Africa. [1963]
#85. Fuchs, Peter. African Decameron: Folk Tales from Central Africa. [1963]
#123. Leslau, Charlotte and Wolf Leslau. African Folk Tales. [1963]

#95. Guillot, René. African Folk Tales. [1964]

#50. Chimenti, Elisa. Tales and Legends of Morocco. [1965]
#103. Heady, Eleanor. Jambo, Sungura! Tales from East Africa. [1965]

#1. Aardema, Verna. More Tales from the Story Hat. [1966]
#12. Appiah, Peggy. Ananse the Spider: Tales from an Ashanti Village. [1966]
#173. Seed, Jenny. Tombi’s Song. [1966]
#185. Sturton, Hugh. Zomo the Rabbit. [1966]

#13. Appiah, Peggy. Tales of an Ashanti Father. [1967]
#74. Doob, Leonard. A Crocodile Has Me by the Leg: African Poems. [1967]
#82. Finnegan, Ruth. Limba Stories and Story-Telling. [1967]
#102. Haskett, Edythe. Grains of Pepper: Folktales from Liberia. [1967]
#117. Knappert, Jan. Traditional Swahili Poetry. [1967]
#200. Korty, Carol. Plays from African Folktales. [1967]

#30. Bergsma, Harold and Ruth Bergsma. Tales Tiv Tell. [1968]
#57. Courlander, Harold and Ezekiel Eshugbayi. Olode the Hunter, and Other Tales from Nigeria. [1968]
#104. Heady, Eleanor. When the Stones Were Soft: East African Fireside Tales. [1968]
#67. Lent, Blair. Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky. [1968]
#177. Skinner, Neil. Hausa Readings. [1968]
#190. Tracey, Hugh. The Lion on the Path and Other African Stories. [1968]
#194. Walker, Barbara. The Dancing Palm Tree, and Other Nigerian Folktales. [1968]

#3. Aardema, Verna. Third Ear from Equatorial Africa. [1969]
#16. Arnott, Kathleen. Tales of Temba: Traditional African Stories. [1969]
#22. Bascom, William. Ifa Divination: Communication between Gods and Men in West Africa. [1969]
#22. Bascom, William. The Yoruba of Southwestern Nigeria. [1969]
#29. Berger, Terry. Black Fairy Tales. [1969]
#51. Clark-Bekederemo, J. P.. Their America: The Nigerian Poet and Playwright’s Criticism of American Society. [1969]
#58. Courlander, Harold and Ezekiel Eshugbayi. Ijapa the Tortoise, and Other Nigerian Tales. [1969]
#96. Guirma, Frédéric. Princess of the Full Moon. [1969]
#177. Skinner, Neil. Hausa Tales and Traditions: An English Translation of Tatsuniyoyi Na Hausa by Frank Edgar. [1969]
#193. Umeasiegbu, Rems. The Way We Lived: Ibo Customs and Stories. [1969]

#74. Dorliae, Peter. Animals Mourn for Da Leopard, and Other West African Tales. [1970]
#98. Haley, Gail. A Story, A Story: An African Tale. [1970]
#107. Holladay, Virginia. Bantu Tales. [1970]
#97. Price, Christine. Made in Ancient Egypt. [1970]
#190. Tracey, Hugh. Chopi Musicians: Their Music, Poetry, and Instruments. [1970]

#33. Biebuyck, Daniel and Kahombo Mateene. The Mwindo Epic from the Banyanga [Congo Republic]. [1971]
#38. Bryan, Ashley. The Ox of the Wonderful Horns. [1971]
#104. Feelings, Muriel. Moja Means One: A Swahili Counting Book. [1971]
#86. Fuja, Abayomi. Fourteen Hundred Cowries, and Other African Tales. [1971]
#90. Goody, Jack. Technology, Tradition, and the State in Africa. [1971]
#97. Habte-Mariam, Mesfin. The Rich Man and the Singer: Folktales from Ethiopia. [1971]
#110. Jablow, Alta. Gassire’s Lute: A West African Epic. [1971]
#168. Savory, Phyllis. Lion Outwitted by Hare and Other African Tales. [1971]

#11. Amadu. Amadu’s Bundle: Fulani Tales of Love and Djinns. [1972]
#15. Arkhurst, Joyce. More Adventures of Spider: West African Folk Tales. [1972]
#14. Arkhurst, Joyce. The Adventures of Spider: West African Folk Tales. [1972]
#75. Dorson, Richard. African Folklore. [1972]
#90. Goody, Jack. The Myth of the Bagre. [1972]

#1. Aardema, Verna. Behind the Back of the Mountain: Black Folktales from Southern Africa. [1973]
#59. Courlander, Harold. Tales of Yoruba Gods and Heroes. [1973]
#112. Jordan, A. C. Tales from Southern Africa. [1973]
#161. Pinney, Peter.. Legends of Liberia. [1973]
#97. Price, Christine. Talking Drums of Africa. [1973]

#104. Feelings, Muriel. Jambo Means Hello: A Swahili Alphabet Book. [1974]
#163. Postma, Minnie. Tales from the Basotho. [1974]
#166. Robinson, Adjai. Singing Tales of Africa. [1974]
#168. Savory, Phyllis. Bantu Folk Tales from Southern Africa. [1974]
#176. Serwadda, W. Moses. Songs and Stories from Uganda. [1974]
#199. Wilson, Beth. The Great Minu. [1974]

#2. Aardema, Verna. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears: A West African Tale. [1975]
#21. Bascom, William. African Dilemma Tales. [1975]
#60. Courlander, Harold. A Treasury of African Folklore. [1975]
#200. Gilfond, Henry. The Reader’s Theatre of Folklore Plays: African, Asian, and Latin-American Stories. [1975]
#154. Opoku, Kofi Asare. Speak to the Winds: Proverbs from Africa. [1975]
#97. Price, Christine. Made in West Africa. [1975]
#169. Scheub, Harold. The Xhosa Ntsomi. [1975]
#173. Seed, Jenny. The Bushman’s Dream: African Tales of the Creation. [1975]

#37. Bryan, Ashley. The Adventures of Aku. [1976]
#114. Kilson, Marion. Royal Antelope and Spider: West African Mende Tales. [1976]
#145. Musgrove, Margaret. Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions. [1976]
#184. Stuart, Forbes. The Magic Horns: Folk Tales from Africa. [1976]

#110. Jablow, Alta. The Myth of Africa. [1977]

#4. Aardema, Verna. Ji-Nongo-Nongo Means Riddles. [1978]
#10. Al-Shahi, Ahmed and Francis Moore. Wisdom from the Nile: A Collection of Folk-Stories from Northern and Central Sudan. [1978]
#61. Gilroy, Tom. In Bikole: Eight Modern Stories About Life in a West African Village. [1978]
#122. Larson, Thomas. Dibebe’s Choice. [1978]
#142. Mitchnik, Helen. Egyptian and Sudanese Folk-Tales. [1978]
#97. Price, Christine. The Mystery of Masks. [1978]

#3. Aardema, Verna. Who’s in Rabbit’s House? A Masai Tale. [1979]
#93. Green, Lila. Tales from Africa. [1979]
#167. Ross, Mabel and Barbara Walker. On Another Day: Tales Told among the Nkundo of Zaire. [1979]

#77. El-Shamy, Hasan. Folktales of Egypt. [1980]
#159. Pelton, Robert Doane. The Trickster in West Africa: A Study of Mythic Irony and Sacred Delight. [1980]
#175. Seitel, Peter. See So That We May See: Performances and Interpretations of Traditional Tales from Tanzania. [1980]

#38. Bryan, Ashley. Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum. [1981]
#72. Diop, Birago. Mother Crocodile: An Uncle Amadou Tale from Senegal. [1981]
#160. Petersen, Kirsten Holst and Anna Rutherford. Cowries and Kobos: The West African Oral Tale and Short Story. [1981]
#162. Pitcher, Diana. Tokoloshi: African Folk-Tales. [1981]

#61. Courlander, Harold. The Crest and the Hide, and Other African Stories. [1982]

#7. Abrahams, Roger D.. African Folk Tales: Traditional Stories of the Black World. [1983]

#131. Magel, Emil. Folktales from the Gambia: Wolof Fictional Narratives. [1984]
#51. Wren, Robert. J. P. Clark. [1984]

#119. Laird, Elizabeth and Aregawi Wolde Gabriel. The Miracle Child: A Story from Ethiopia. [1985]

#94. Grifalconi, Ann. The Village of Round and Square Houses. [1986]
#136. McDermott, Gerald. Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti. [1986]

#38. Bryan, Ashley. Lion and the Ostrich Chicks. [1987]
#64. Dadié, Bernard Binlin. The Black Cloth: A Collection of African Folktales. [1987]
#94. Grifalconi, Ann. Darkness and the Butterfly. [1987]

#92. Greaves, Nick. When Hippo Was Hairy, and Other Tales from Africa. [1988]
#100. Hamilton, Virginia. In the Beginning. [1988]
#115. Kimmel, Eric. Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock. [1988]
#115. Kimmel, Eric. Miriam’s Tambourine: Jewish Folktales from around the World. [1988]

#4. Aardema, Verna. Rabbit Makes a Monkey of Lion: A Swahili Tale. [1989]
#17. Atkinson, Norman. The Broken Promise, and Other Traditional Fables from Zimbabwe. [1989]
#124. Lester, Julius. How Many Spots Does a Leopard Have? [1989]
#187. Tadjo, Véronique. Lord of the Dance. [1989]

#94. Grifalconi, Ann. Osa’s Pride. [1990]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. The Orphan Boy. [1990]
#170. Scheub, Harold. The African Storyteller: Stories from African Oral Traditions. [1990]

#31. Berry, Jack. West African Folktales. [1991]
#51. Clark-Bekederemo, J. P. Collected Plays and Poems, 1958-1988. [1991]
#135. McCall Smith, Alexander. Children of Wax: African Folk Tales. [1991]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper! A Maasai Tale. [1991]
#146. Naidoo, Beverley. Journey to Jo’burg. [1991]
#168. Savory, Phyllis. The Best of African Folklore. [1991]
#178. Skivington, Janice and Donna Washington. How Anansi Obtained the Sky God’s Stories: An African Folktale from the Ashanti Tribe. [1991]
#181. Steptoe, John. Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale. [1991]
#178. Washington, Donna. The Baboon’s Umbrella: An African Folktale. [1991]

#22. Bascom, William. African Folktales in the New World. [1992]
#148. Innes, Gordon. The Epic of Son-Jara: A West African Tradition. [1992]
#115. Kimmel, Eric. Anansi Goes Fishing. [1992]
#136. McDermott, Gerald. Zomo the Rabbit: A Trickster Tale from West Africa. [1992]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. A Promise to the Sun. [1992]
#172. Schwartz, Howard and Barbara Rush. The Sabbath Lion: A Jewish Folktale from Algeria. [1992]
#183. Strong, Polly. African Tales: Folklore of the Central African Republic. [1992]
#200. Winther, Barbara. Plays From African Tales. [1992]
#169. Zenani, Nongenile Masithathu. The World and the Word: Tales and Observations from the Xhosa Oral Tradition. [1992]

#143. Aardema, Verna. Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. [1993]
#19. Barbosa, Rogério Andrade. African Animal Tales. [1993]
#67. Bryan, Ashley. The Story of Lightning and Thunder. [1993]
#44. Cabral, Len. Anansi’s Narrow Waist: An African Folk Tale. [1993]
#65. Davis, Jennifer. The Stolen Water and Other Stories: Traditional Tales from Namibia. [1993]
#92. Greaves, Nick. When Lion Could Fly, and Other Tales from Africa. [1993]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. The King and the Tortoise. [1993]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. The Princess Who Lost Her Hair: An Akamba Legend. [1993]
#155. Orlando, Louise. The Multicultural Game Book. [1993]
#156. Owomoyela, Oyekan. A History of Twentieth-Century African Literatures. [1993]

#5. Aardema, Verna. Misoso: Once Upon a Time Tales from Africa. [1994]
#28. Bennett, Martin. West African Trickster Tales. [1994]
#81. Fairman, Tony. Bury My Bones but Keep My Words: African Tales for Retelling. [1994]
#115. Kimmel, Eric. Anansi and the Talking Melon. [1994]
#134. Mbugua, Kioi wa. Inkishu: Myths and Legends of the Maasai. [1994]
#136. McDermott, Gerald. The Magic Tree: A Tale from the Congo. [1994]
#137. McNeil, Heather. Hyena and the Moon: Stories to Tell from Kenya. [1994]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. The Flying Tortoise: An Igbo Story. [1994]
#152. Olaleye, Isaac. Bitter Bananas. [1994]

#89. Gleeson, Brian. Koi and the Kola Nuts. [1995]
#115. Kimmel, Eric. Rimonah of the Flashing Sword: A North African Tale. [1995]
#117. Knappert, Jan. African Mythology: An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend. [1995]
#117. Knappert, Jan. Kings, Gods and Spirits from African Mythology. [1995]
#139. Medlicott, Mary. The River That Went to the Sky: Twelve Tales by African Storytellers. [1995]
#155. Orlando, Louise. African Folktales and Activities. [1995]

#8. Achebe, Chinua. How Leopard Got His Claws. [1996]
#32. Berry, James. Don’t Leave an Elephant to Go and Chase a Bird. [1996]
#144. Muluka, Barrack. Why Dog Left the Forest. [1996]
#156. Owomoyela, Oyekan. The African Difference: Discourses on Africanity and the Relativity of Cultures. [1996]
#126. Palazzo-Craig, Janet. Emerald Tree: A Story from Africa. [1996]
#126. Palazzo-Craig, Janet. The Golden Flower: A Story from Egypt. [1996]
#177. Skinner, Neil. Hausa Comparative Dictionary. [1996]
#35. Watson, Stephen. Song of the Broken String: Poems from a Lost Oral Tradition. [1996]

#44. Cabral, Len and Mia Manduca. Len Cabral’s Storytelling Book. [1997]
#52. Collins, Stanley Harold. Ananse the Spider: Why Spiders Stay on the Ceiling. [1997]
#69. Diakité, Baba Wagué. The Hunterman and the Crocodile: A West African Folktale. [1997]
#100. Hamilton, Virginia. A Ring of Tricksters: Animal Tales from America, the West Indies, and Africa. [1997]
#116. Kituku, Vincent Muli Wa. East African Folktales from the Voice of Mukamba. [1997]
#116. Kituku, Vincent Muli Wa. Sukulu Ite Nguta: The School with No Walls. [1997]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. Ananse’s Feast: An Ashanti Tale. [1997]
#156. Owomoyela, Oyekan. Yoruba Trickster Tales. [1997]
#182. Stewart, Dianne. Daughter of the Moonlight and Other African Tales. [1997]

#38. Bryan, Ashley. African Tales, Uh-Huh. [1998]
#76. Dresser, Cynthia. The Rainmaker’s Dog: International Folktales to Build Communicative Skills. [1998]
#109. Ibekwe, Patrick. Wit and Wisdom of Africa: Proverbs from Africa and the Caribbean. [1998]
#126. Lilly, Melinda. Kwian and the Lazy Sun: a San Myth. [1998]
#126. Lilly, Melinda. Spider and His Son Find Wisdom: An Akan Tale. [1998]
#126. Lilly, Melinda. Wanyana and Matchmaker Frog: A Bagandan Tale. [1998]
#126. Lilly, Melinda. Warrior Son of a Warrior Son: A Masai Tale. [1998]
#126. Lilly, Melinda. Zimani’s Drum: A Malawian Tale. [1998]
#132. Mama, Raouf. Why Goats Smell Bad, and Other Stories from Benin. [1998]
#143. Mollel, Tololwa. Kitoto the Mighty. [1998]
#152. Olaleye, Isaac. Lake of the Big Snake: An African Rain Forest Adventure. [1998]
#186. Swann, Brian. The House With No Door: African Riddle-Poems. [1998]

#6. A’Bodjedi, Enènge. Ndòwé Tales. [1999]
#148. Austen, Ralphe. In Search of Sunjata: The Mande Oral Epic as History, Literature and Performance. [1999]
#26. Belcher, Stephen. Epic Traditions of Africa. [1999]
#39. Bryan, Ashley. The Night Has Ears: African Proverbs. [1999]
#70. Diakité, Baba Wagué. The Hatseller and the Monkeys: A West African Folktale. [1999]
#148. Johnson, John William. Sunjata: Gambian Versions of the Mande Epic. [1999]
#157. Paye, Won-Ldy and Margaret Lippert. Why Leopard Has Spots: Dan Stories from Liberia. [1999]
#189. Tembo, Mwizenge. Legends of Africa. [1999]
#197. Wignell, Edel. The Mighty Sparrow: A Trickster Tale of the African Congo. [1999]

#83. Ford, Clyde. The Hero With an African Face: Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa. [2000]
#92. Greaves, Nick. When Elephant Was King, and Other Elephant Tales from Africa. [2000]
#118. Laird, Elizabeth. When the World Began: Stories Collected in Ethiopia. [2000]
#125. Lewis-Williams, J. David. Stories That Float from Afar: Ancestral Folklore of the San of Southern Africa. [2000]
#132. Mama, Raouf. The Barefoot Book of Tropical Tales. [2000]
#152. Olaleye, Isaac. In the Rainfield: Who Is the Greatest? [2000]
#171. Scheub, Harold. A Dictionary of African Mythology: The Mythmaker as Storyteller. [2000]
#187. Tadjo, Véronique. Mamy Wata and the Monster. [2000]
#188. Tchana, Katrin. The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women. [2000]

#18. Badoe, Adwoa. The Pot of Wisdom: Ananse Stories. [2001]
#51. Irele, Abiola. The African Imagination. [2001]
#115. Kimmel, Eric. Anansi and the Magic Stick. [2001]
#145. Musgrove, Margaret. The Spider Weaver: A Legend of Kente Cloth. [2001]
#150. Offodile, Buchi. The Orphan Girl and Other Stories: West African Folk Tales. [2001]
#152. Olaleye, Isaac. Bikes for Rent! [2001]
#24. Stroomer, Harry. An Anthology of Tashelhiyt Berber Folktales. [2001]

#81. Asare, Meshack. Sosu’s Call. [2002]
#109. Ibekwe, Patrick. The Little Book of African Wisdom. [2002]
#122. Larson, Thomas. Tales from the Okavango. [2002]
#125. Lewis-Williams, J. David. The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art. [2002]
#77. Maspero, Gaston. Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt. [2002]
#157. Paye, Won-Ldy and Margaret Lippert. Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia. [2002]
#188. Tchana, Katrin. Sense Pass King: A Story from Cameroon. [2002]

#38. Bryan, Ashley. Beautiful Blackbird. [2003]
#140. Mhlophe, Gcina. Stories of Africa. [2003]
#157. Paye, Won-Ldy and Margaret Lippert. Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile. [2003]

#77. El-Shamy, Hasan. Types of the Folktale in the Arab World. [2004]
#125. Lewis-Williams, J. David. San Spirituality: Roots, Expression and Social Consequences. [2004]
#129. Lynch, Patricia Ann. African Mythology A to Z. [2004]
#158. Peek, Philip and Kwesi Yankah. African Folklore: An Encyclopedia. [2004]
#187. Tadjo, Véronique. Talking Drums. [2004]
#195. Washington, Donna. A Pride of African Tales. [2004]

#135. McCall Smith, Alexander. The Girl Who Married a Lion and Other Tales from Africa. [2005]
#182. Stewart, Dianne. Wisdom From Africa: A Collection of Proverbs. [2005]

#135. McCall Smith, Alexander. Folktales from Africa: The Baboons Who Went This Way and That. [2006]
#146. Naidoo, Beverley. The Great Tug of War and Other Stories. [2006]
#148. Niane, Djibril Tamsir. Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali. [2006]
#157. Paye, Won-Ldy and Margaret Lippert. The Talking Vegetables. [2006]
#182. Stewart, Dianne. Folktales from Africa. [2006]
#187. Tadjo, Véronique. Chasing the Sun: Stories from Africa. [2006]
#188. Tchana, Katrin. Changing Woman and Her Sister: Stories of Goddesses from Around the World. [2006]

#71. Diakité, Baba Wagué. Mee-An and the Magic Serpent: A Folktale from Mali. [2007]
#82. Finnegan, Ruth. The Oral and Beyond: Doing Things with Words in Africa. [2007]
#133. Mandela, Nelson. Favorite African Folktales. [2007]
#174. Seid, Joseph Brahim. Told by Starlight in Chad. [2007]

#115. Kimmel, Eric. Anansi’s Party Time. [2008]
#118. Laird, Elizabeth. The Garbage King. [2008]

#9. African Women’s Network. Stories from Africa. [2009]
#120. Laird, Elizabeth. The Ogress and the Snake, and Other Stories from Somalia. [2009]
#172. Schwartz, Howard. Leaves from the Garden of Eden: One Hundred Classic Jewish Tales. [2009]

#153. Onyefulu, Ifeoma. The Girl Who Married a Ghost and Other Tales from Nigeria. [2010]

#107. Crane, Louise. Ku Mputu: An African Journey. [2011]
#146. Naidoo, Beverley. Aesop’s Fables. [2011]

#14. Arkhurst, Joyce. The Further Adventures of Spider. [2012]
#82. Finnegan, Ruth. Oral Literature in Africa. [2012]

#47. Cancel, Robert. Storytelling in Northern Zambia. [2013]
#69. Diakité, Baba Wagué. A Gift from Childhood. [2013]
#101. Haring, Lee. How to Read a Folktale: The Ibonia Epic from Madagascar. [2013]
#106. Hofmeyr, Dianne. The Magic Bojabi Tree. [2013]
#118. Laird, Elizabeth. The Lure of the Honey Bird: The Storytellers of Ethiopia. [2013]

#91. Grainger, Lisa. Stories Gogo Told Me. [2015]

#141. Mhlophe, Gcina. African Tales: A Barefoot Collection. [2018]

#87. Gibbs, Laura. Tiny Tales from Africa: The Animals. [2021]
#121. Lang, Andrew. African Folktales in the Fairy Books of Andrew Lang. [2021]