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287 How to Create Helpful Content that Sustains All Google Updates

If you want to stay ranked on the SERP and keep the 1xbet Online rank stable, you need to create helpful content. There is no alternative to providing the best value in content than your competitors — not even high-quality  backlinks.

Wondering how to create helpful content that consistently holds a better ranking position? Then this blog post is for you where I have covered everything in detail.

Why does helpful content matter?

The renowned search engine, Google, consistently emphasizes the importance of creating valuable content.

Initially, the emphasis was on content crafted by people for people, but now the focus has shifted solely to creating content for people. Numerous well-known websites experienced significant setbacks from Google due to insufficient helpful content, leading to a decline in their business.

What happened to these sites?

They suffered a loss in their businesses.

To safeguard your business from a similar fate, it is imperative to prioritize content quality.

When I mention content quality, I’m not just referring to writing tone or grammatical errors; I’m emphasizing the creation of helpful resources for readers.

If a visitor lands on a page and cannot find all the information they are seeking, the content is deemed unhelpful. Webmasters must generate content that addresses all queries in one comprehensive location.

How to write a perfect piece of helpful content

Here I have mentioned the methods and strategies that you can follow to write super helpful content that gains Google’s and readers’ trust.

Add relevant statistics

If you engage in original research, irrespective of the topic, it’s crucial to have data at your disposal. This data may come in the form of numbers and various statistics.

Incorporating such statistics into your content enhances its reliability.

However, if you consider copying statistics and data from elsewhere, that approach is not beneficial unless it’s generic content.

It’s imperative to conduct your own research, regardless of the time it may require.

This commitment to originality not only adds credibility to your content but also ensures that the information presented is accurate and relevant to your audience.

But don’t consider it super hard.

Let me provide an example….

If you are writing about various tools and their growth…

you can easily gather data from their annual reports. Alternatively, you can directly approach the tool owner, inform them that you’re writing about their tool, and request specific information.

Collect data from multiple tools, then compare them to craft your content. This will be considered original research. Incorporate numbers and statistics, and your content will perform better.

Add fresh data

In almost all industries, you will find some existing data. But what actually helps the readers? Fresh data or old data?

Yes, readers always want to know the latest updates regardless of the topic.

So, instead of relying on existing sources of information, look for fresh information. Try to search in the related journals and forums to find out what is the current trend for a topic.

Continuously adding fresh data to your content helps the readers to stay up to date. At the same time, search engines consider you as an authority as you are updating the content regularly.

Add visuals

It’s not a new idea that including visuals in content helps readers understand a topic better.

With Google’s helpful content update, this practice has become even more relevant.

Instead of just using plain text, consider adding visuals in different sections to make it more engaging.

So, what kinds of visuals can you add to written content?

You can include images, graphs, charts, videos, GIFs, and more.

However, it’s important to use only relevant visuals that make sense in the context.

For instance, if your content involves numbers and statistics, use graphical charts or infographics to present the information.

Similarly, if you’re explaining a process through written content with screenshots, consider using a GIF instead of multiple images.

Write in a conversational tone

Suppose one of your friends has asked for some help offline regarding a car issue. How would you talk to him? As a friend speaks, right?

Apply the same methods while you are writing content. Make it conversational so the reader feels comfortable.

Avoid jargon words and hard-to-understand terms.

Write like you are telling a story from your own experience. This will help reduce the bounce rate and keep the reader engaged.

Fill the information gap (competitor analysis)

If you conduct a SERP analysis for a particular topic, you will always find an information gap.

Try to identify that gap and include the missing information in your content.

Write literally helpful content

We’ve already talked a lot about creating helpful content, but besides this, you can be your own judge for the content. Once you are done with the writing part, read it out loud and try to convince yourself if you think it sounds helpful.

If the goal of the content is to solve a particular problem, you need to find out if it is solving the problem.

For this, seek help from someone external.

If there is an editor for the blog, ask them to share their feelings after reading the content.

Alternatively, ask someone who doesn’t know how to solve that particular problem to determine if they can solve it now after reading the blog post.

Update the content regularly

Suppose you have created super helpful content for the readers. But what happens if you don’t update the content regularly? Someone else will come to the SERP with new content that is updated.


You should update your content regularly to make sure it is not losing traction. It could be data, images, videos, and more.


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