Chapter 3. Managing Your Time and Priorities

Career Connection

Rick says: I’ve wanted to work in radio since I was in high school and had great opportunities in college to learn at the campus station. I interned for a semester at a local Top 40 station and, after graduation, was offered a position as the producer of the station’s morning show.

The only problem: I had to be at the radio station by 4:45 a.m. I couldn’t do it. I tried everything—alarms on my phone, clock radio alarms, friends calling me. This is not a job you can be late for—dead air is a radio DJ’s greatest nightmare. But no matter what I tried, I could not wake up on time. The third time I arrived late, the radio station let me go.

Reflection question: How might you have handled the situation differently? How might this aspiring radio DJ have managed his time differently to ensure he was not late for work?

For discussion: Is the Internet responsible for most of our wasted work time? Read through this article. What do you think?


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