
A | Starting at Bucks

Check your Course Schedule in Student Planning

Log-in to the Student Planning Self-Service tool, click Student Planning, click go to plan and schedule. On the left side of the screen, you will see your registered courses for the term. Click on the Meeting Information link to see the course meeting time, dates and location.

to Canvas

Bucks County Community College courses use Canvas, our cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) that makes teaching and learning interactive. Log-in to Canvas with your Bucks username and password. Check the homepage and Faculty Syllabus links for information about your courses.

Get your Books and Other Course Materials

The Faculty Syllabus you accessed in your course’s Canvas space has the information you need to get your books and other course materials. The bookstore also has a website where you can look up the course materials for your course. Make sure you get the required materials. You might see suggested materials. Suggested materials are optional.

Set-up your Emergency Text Alerts

Sign up for the Bucks system that sends notifications instantly to all registered mobile devices and email addresses by completing the form for our Campus Alert System.

Download the Bucks+ App

Follow the directions on the Bucks+ website to download our student engagement app. Find out what’s happening on campus and virtually so you can meet fellow students, faculty and other members of your Bucks community. 

Students are required to display a parking permit at all three campus locations. Parking permits are free. Submit the Student Parking Permit application form. 

Review the Resources and Services free for You

The first week is a lot of adjustment. What about after? When life or your school work becomes challenging, who and what can help you overcome those challenges? Keep the Basic Needs and Bucks Services and Resources links up on your phone or saved in your email.


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Orientation to College for Your Success Copyright © 2020 by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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