
Book Title: Cultivating Your Practice of Justice & Inclusion: Explanation and Advice from Cognitive Science

Author: ericakleinknecht

Cover image for Cultivating Your Practice of Justice & Inclusion: Explanation and Advice from Cognitive Science

Book Description: As students in an undergraduate cognitive psychology course learned about memory processes, they applied course content to the social issues of racism, sexism, and ableism. In a series of essays students explain the cognitive processes that underly bias and offer readers sound, empirically based suggestions for how to address and change these implicit biases. When we know how memory works, we can use its power for good.

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Book Information

Book Description

As students in an undergraduate cognitive psychology course learned about memory processes, they applied course content to the social issues of racism, sexism, and ableism. In a series of essays students explain the cognitive processes that underly bias and offer readers sound, empirically based suggestions for how to address and change implicit biases. When we know how memory works, we can use its power for good. Readers are sure to take away a deep understanding of how memory processes make us who we are, and how we can control these processes in the pursuit of social justice.






Cultivating Your Practice of Justice & Inclusion: Explanation and Advice from Cognitive Science
Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Cognition and cognitive psychology, Social and ethical issues, Social discrimination and social justice
Publication Date
December 30, 2020