Book Title: He Rourou
Subtitle: Volume 1, Issue 1
Book Description: He Rourou is open access and aims to celebrate and share the work of our students, staff and partners. Often the voices missing from the knowledge base are of the teachers and innovators who are deeply grounded in the day to day of their practice. He Rourou aims to acknowledge this by providing an output for practitioner based knowledge and research.
Book Information
Book Description
The whakapapa of the design for He Rourou is a bringing together of collective ‘threads’. The patterns interweave collective threads to elevate the collective potential and shared mana – together representing the pathway of collective success, knowledge sharing and attainment. The overall Pātiki design (diamond shape) forms the basis of the design and is inspired by the whakatauki: Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi With your food basket and my food basket we will thrive. Pātiki in this design has been used to represent ‘prosperity’ – the collective purpose or outcome of He Rourou being to empower, grow and engage collective voices and knowledge. The design is intended to be used as a repeatable pattern to represent the many themes, contributors, learners and collaborators.
He Rourou Copyright © 2021 by The Mind Lab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.