
Dance making is fundamentally a collaborative effort. Through time spent in studios, airports and AirBnBs, sharing investigations as well as meals, the work develops alongside the humanity brought by all those involved. I am especially grateful for a remarkable three-year studio and performance practice with dance artists Christal Brown, Michelle Boulé, Sarah Gamblin, Bronwen MacArthur, and Trebien Pollard; for the design and production finesse of Stan Pressner, Liz Prince, Valerie Oliveiro, and Elby Brosch; and the 20-year journey of dancing, conversation, friendship, and family with Angie Hauser, Darrell Jones, and Talvin Wilks.

Special thanks to the Department of Dance at Smith College; Department of Dance at The Ohio State UniversityChuck Helm, Lane Czaplinski, Andy Hensler, and the Wexner Center for the Arts Artists Residency Award; LUMBERYARD Center for Films and Performing Arts, Jacob’s Pillow, and FringeArts for development and production support. Thanks to the Wexner Center for the Arts, New York Live Arts, On the Boards, the Dance Center of Columbia College Chicago, and Middlebury College for taking us on the road.

Special thanks to Melanie George and Susan Rethorst for their eyes and ears on the process; Sarah Lass for her watchful eye and detailed documentation; Mike Shiflet for e-book support; David Gray for day-by-day home front encouragement; and to Lila Hurwitz, who, from the start, kept this vessel-of-a-project on course, in time, and in tune.


In A Rhythm was a National Performance Network (NPN) Creation Fund Project co-commissioned by New York Live Arts in partnership with Wexner Center for the Arts, On the Boards, and NPN. The Creation Fund is supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency). The Forth Fund is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 

In A Rhythm was made possible by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

In A Rhythm was made possible in part by funding from the Greater Columbus Arts Council and by state tax dollars allocated by the Ohio Legislature to the Ohio Arts Council, a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally, and economically.

In A Rhythm received production development support from LUMBERYARD Center for Film and Performing Arts.

Bebe Miller Company and In A Rhythm are supported in part by awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

General Operating support was made possible by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project with funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Support was also provided by generous individual donors.

The Making Room was supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, and The Ohio State University’s Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment. 

The Making Room FringeArts production residency was funded by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project, with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Thanks to our $25+ Kickstarter supporters: Joyce Adams; Anonymous; Caterina Bartha; BOOMERANG; Danté Brown|Warehouse Dance; Tim Brown; Catherine Cabeen; Abby M. Carlozzo; Bradford Chapin; Peggy Cheng; Diana Cherryholmes; Noelle Chun; Sheri Cohen; Nicholas Croft; Daniel Doolittle; Shannon Drake; Christine Elmo; Robert Flynt; Melanie George; Beth Graczyk; Gray Family; Frances Guillemot; Joan Hanna; Josh Hines & Kelly Hurlburt; Kendra Hovey; Johanna Hulick; Anna Hurwitz; Kaveri & Ernie Hurwitz; Linda K Johnson; Amii LeGendre; Rachael Lincoln; Shawn Liu; Ara Lucia; Jessica Massart; Michael Mazzola; Daniel McCusker; Michael J. Morris; Alexander Morton; Jane Mueller; Valerie Oliveiro; Andrea Olsen; Amiti Perry; Margaret Piacenza; Karen Quisenberry; Jill Randall; Laura Scatena Romero; Frank Leon Rose; Jennifer Salk; Matthew Shyka; Sheila Siden; Susan Skove; Tara; Kris Wheeler.


How Dancing is Built: The Making of "In A Rhythm" Copyright © 2018 by Bebe Miller Company. All Rights Reserved.