Título del libro: Introducción a la escritura

Subtítulo: Genre-Based Writing for Intermediate Spanish Students

Autor: gzapata

Imagen de cubierta de Introducción a la escritura

Descripción del libro: "Introducción a la escritura: Genre-Based Writing for Intermediate Spanish Students" is a course for intermediate low/intermediate mid L2 Spanish students grounded in the tenets of the multiliteracies framework Learning by Design and Genre-Based Instruction.

Creative Commons Atribución CompartirIgual


Información del libro

Descripción del libro

Introducción a la escritura: Genre-Based Writing for Intermediate Spanish Students is a course for intermediate low/intermediate mid L2 Spanish students. All the materials in this book were created by Dr. Gabriela C. Zapata. The contents of this volume were developed under a Presidential Transformational Teaching Grant from Texas A&M University.

The main objective of this book is to help students develop their writing skills in Spanish. Students will work with authentic, open-source multimodal materials in order to:

  • Reflect on their knowledge of a particular topic and be exposed to new perspectives on it;
  • Conceptualize essential aspects of the content and formulate connections to concepts and theory;
  • Analyze and understand linguistic and discursive aspects from a functional (how meaning is expressed) perspective, and critically examine what perspectives, interests, and motives are presented; and
  • Apply their new knowledge creatively in related, academic written (e.g., producing a similar text on a different topic) and/or multimodal tasks (e.g., developing an infographics).​​​​​​

The instructional approach is grounded in the multiliteracies framework Learning by Design and Genre-Based Instruction.




Icono de Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

Introducción a la escritura Copyright © 2021 por Gabriela C. Zapata se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional, excepto cuando se especifiquen otros términos.


Aprendizaje de lenguas: destrezas de escritura


Introducción a la escritura

Icono de Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

Introducción a la escritura Copyright © 2021 por Gabriela C. Zapata se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional, excepto cuando se especifiquen otros términos.

Tema principal
Aprendizaje de lenguas: destrezas de escritura
Temas adicionales
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas
Fecha de publicación
agosto 4, 2021