Book Title: An Introduction to Poetry
Subtitle: A Complete Online Course

Book Description: An Introduction to Poetry, A Complete Online Course is designed for a first college course in poetry. Assuming no prior knowledge of poetry, it guides the student through the most essential aspects of poetics, the tricky question of interpretation, and the importance of form. It also outlines, in several chapters, the changing ways that poetry has presented itself from the late 16th century through the present.
Book Information
Book Description
An Introduction to Poetry, A Complete Online Course is designed for a first college course in poetry. Assuming a student whose understanding of the subject has not made it beyond prejudices about “openness of interpretation,” “expression of feeling,” and “emptiness of meaning,” it uses written and video lectures as well as a number of illustrated videos on poetics created specifically for this book to guide the student through the tricky question of interpretation, the minefield of poetics, into the valley of forms and figures, and finally through the history of the form itself. This introduction treats poetry as a manifestation of language in general, poems being themselves the manifestation of poetry, which exists in bits and pieces in all ways of using words. In its historical overview it traces the changing ways that poetry has presented itself–how it has existed and what has been expected of it and how it has functioned–from the late sixteenth century through the twentieth. One chapter is devoted to the ways the women have been treated in poetry from the time of Chaucer to now. Each chapter is designed to occupy one week of a full-semester course.
An Introduction to Poetry Copyright © 2019 by Alan Lindsay and Candace Bergstrom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.