Book Title: Open History of Psychology: The Lives and Contributions of Marginalized Psychology Pioneers

Book Description: This is an open educational resource (OER) co-created by students in undergraduate History and Systems of Psychology courses. Each chapter focuses on the life and contributions of a marginalized pioneering psychologist. [Image Attribution: Penn State Special Collection,, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0,]
Book Information
Book Description
Understanding the history of a discipline requires looking at prominent figures and events that contributed to the growth of the discipline. Yet historical accounts are prone to including what those writing the accounts believe is most important to know. Within the discipline of psychology, women and people of color are noticeably absent from historical accounts, particularly those in traditional textbooks (Cramblet Alvarez et al., 2020).
This collection of chapters features the lives and contributions of pioneering women and psychologists of color–including their general biographies, important achievements, the historical context surrounding their work, and the historical impact their work has left on the field of psychology.
Each chapter was written by students in sections of History and Systems of Psychology courses at the University of North Dakota and the University of Nevada Reno, under the direction of their course instructors, Dr. Alison Kelly (UND) and Dr. Brittany Avila (UNR). Students worked in teams through multiple drafts of their chapters throughout the semester and were able to choose to publish their work as part of this compilation.
Open History of Psychology: The Lives and Contributions of Marginalized Psychology Pioneers Copyright © 2023 by Alison E. Kelly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.