

Surgical Tray

1 Lower Universal Forcep  13 Bone File
2. Seldane Retractor  14 #301 Straight Elevator
3.Upper Universal Forcep  15 Coupland Elevator
4 Small Mouth Prop  16 Crane Elevator
5 Large Mouth Prop  17 Rongeur
6 Tongue Retractor  18 Suture Needle Driver
7 Minnesota Retractor  19 Scissors
8 Local Anesthetic Syringe  20 Mosquito Hemostat
9 Scalpel Blade Handles  21 Hemostat
10 #12 Periosteal Elevator  22 Towel Clamp
11 #9 Periosteal Elevator  23 Tissue Forceps
12 Currette  24 Mouth Mirror

Surgical Tray with Suction

Yankauer Suction

Potts Elevators

Root Tip Elevators

Cowhorn Forcep

English (Bird Beak) Forcep

Surgairtome Handpiece with 703 & Round Bur