Book Title: A Practical Guide for Counsellors
Subtitle: Co-Creating Safe and Culturally Responsive Relational Spaces

Book Description: This ebook provides a conceptual and applied practice foundation for centring the counselling relationship.
Book Information
Book Description
This ebook provides both a conceptual and an applied practice foundation for centring the client–practitioner relationship in counselling. We disrupt how counsellors often think about the initial phases of the counselling process by placing priority on building care-filled, responsive, and client-centred relationships. We invite counsellor educators to reconsider how they position and teach counselling skills and techniques to support culturally responsive, client-centred, and socially just counselling. We optimize the use of multimedia resources (e.g., experiential learning activities, videos, comics, audio), alongside short, focused commentaries, to actively engage both new and experienced counsellors to integrate and apply your learning. Our goal is to equip you with the confidence, tools, and experience that will enable you to optimize the growth-fostering potential of the client–counsellor relationship. We invite appreciation of the interplay of client and counsellor cultural identities and social locations on how you conceptualize and contextual client challenges. We encourage you to support clients’ self-determined and culturally-defined visions for change by nurturing collaboration with clients at all points in the counselling process.
A Practical Guide for Counsellors Copyright © 2023 by Gina Ko; Sandra Collins; and Yevgen Yasynskyy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Psychotherapy: counselling