
About the Reviewers

Agnieszka Palalas

Dr. Aga PalalasDr. Agnieszka (Aga) Palalas is Associate Professor in Open, Digital and Distance Education at Athabasca University. She serves as the Program Director of the Doctor in Distance Education as well as Master of Open, Digital and Distance Education Programs. Aga is an experienced practitioner and researcher of technology-assisted learning and teaching with a focus on innovative pedagogy and digital technologies for human-centred learning. Drawing from over 25 years of experience as a face-to-face and online educator, instructional designer, mobile learning and IT programmer, combined with her two-decade-long mindfulness practice, she researches and designs digital learning for the whole person, which nourishes the intellect, body, and mind of the individual and the community. She is an internationally recognized speaker and expert in digital learning design, digital wellness, and mindfulness in online education. Aga has been involved in numerous transnational projects and is an internationally recognized expert in technology-assisted teaching and learning, online education, mobile learning, digital learning design, and mobile-assisted language learning. She is one of the Founding Directors and the Past-President of the International Association for Blended Learning (IABL) and the Past-President of the International Association for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn). In those roles, she interacted and collaborated with scholars, learning and training experts around the globe across diverse educational and cultural contexts. Aga has published a number of articles and book chapters as well as edited books pertaining to mobile and blended learning (see https://athabascau.academia.edu/apalalas and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Agnieszka_Palalas2).

Dr. Palalas has been active in local and international professional associations and has presented keynote speeches, papers, and workshops around the globe. She is also on editorial review boards of several journals in the field of mobile learning, language learning, distance education, and educational technology.

John Traxler

Professor John TraxlerJohn Traxler, FRSA, is Professor of Digital Learning in the Institute of Education at the University of Wolverhampton and UNESCO Chair: Innovative Informal Digital Learning in Disadvantaged and Development Contexts.

He is a Founding Director of the International Association for Mobile Learning. He is co-editor of the definitive, Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Educators and Trainers, and of Mobile Learning: the Next Generation, available in Arabic, of Mobile Learning and Mathematics, Mobile Learning and STEM: Case Studies in Practice, Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Challenges in Context, and Critical Mobile Pedagogy, and many keynotes, panels, papers, articles and chapters on all aspects of learning with mobiles. His journal papers have been cited over 9000 times and is in the top 2% in his discipline. He has worked on many digital learning projects and missions.

He has been responsible for large-scale mobile learning implementations, small-scale mobile learning research interventions, capacity building, major evaluations, landscape reviews, and curriculum development.

He has extensive experience developing e-learning and mobile learning capacity amongst university teachers. Over the last five years, he has become involved in policy and strategy. He is a frequent international keynote speaker, and has worked with a number of international agencies and international corporates.

Helen Crompton

Dr. Helen Crompton

Dr. Helen Crompton is an Associate Professor of Instructional Technology, in the department of Teaching & Learning, in Darden College of Education and Professional Studies at ODU. She is the Director of the Virtual Reality Lab and the Technology Enhanced Learning Lab (TELL) at ODU. She draws from over 25 years in education and a PhD in educational technology and mathematics education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr Crompton was officially recognized as one of nine mobile learning experts in the world by the United Nations. She has received numerous awards in the USA and her home country England for her work in technology integration, including the SCHEV award for the Outstanding Professor of Virginia. She works as a consultant for the United Nations, advising and writing on technology in education. She also consults for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) in designing courses (tech integration, AI, and mobile learning) and coaching. Dr. Crompton has published over 150 articles on technology integration including authoring publications for the United Nations and ISTE.



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