

Autorin: Uta Krope

Dieses eBook wird von denSLO- Teilnehmern des Grundtvig Projektes “Mobile devices and web 2.0 – new perspective in ICT for digital inclusion in Europe “gestaltet.  Das Projekt startete 2012 mit  Projektpartnern aus Deutschland,Finnland, Schweden, Spanien, Littauen und der Türkei. SLO  übernahm die Koordination des Projektes. Es wurden Projekttreffen in Berlin, Södertälje, Vilnius, Cannakale, Sastamala und Kiel geplant. Die Inhalte sind durch den Projektantrag vorgegeben.

Hier ist die Summary aus dem Projektantrag:

Mobile devices and web 2.0 – new perspective in ICT for digital inclusion in Europe

Acronym: Mobile 50 + –

“The project is an approach to ICT from a new perspective. Mobile devices make it possible to use the computer by non-IT people. The focus lies on computer-assisted communication and on interaction, also in Europe. Our aim is to find answers for the following questions:

  • Are these mobile devices, the cloud tools and “apps” useful for our teachers and for our different target groups, seniors, immigrants, people with special needs, students?
  • Which e-Book reader is the most comfortable for our target group?
  • What is the development on the market about “Online rent in libraries”?
  • How to produce an own e-Book?

We will try to answer also the question: In which way are these tools useful for our target groups and how can we coordinate the learning process?

As content we plan: Exchange of learning experiences using Internet-enabled mobiles (smart phones), tablet computers and e-book readers (Kindle type devices) which depend on Internet-enabled devices in all areas of life (home, professional), different ages, different social classes, genders and also disabled people (visually impaired, MS patients…) in Europe. For example we will test Skype with smart phones and iPads within the groups, we will use cloud computing, such as Dropbox, Google, Twitter and Facebook. We will use Facebook group for peer tutoring.

As results two online workshops in google sites about web2.0 tools and  e-Book are planned. Each project partner will produce an e-Book. We will document our learning experiences by using different web 2.0 tools with internet-enabled Mobiles for interactive exchange during the project. We plan to make a research paper with the purpose to study the use of mobile devices in different countries and if the mobile devices are suitable for different groups of people”


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