

For Students Registered with ODR

  • Recognize that students have a right to not share additional information outside of their accommodation letter.
  • Welcome additional information, should the student like to disclose, and be prepared to discuss other impacts within the course, referring to the syllabus as needed.
  • Be aware of the resources on campus and how they may assist a student, depending on what that student shares. Use visuals, such as the Resource Flyer created by the ODR, when discussing recommendations.
  • Be patient and ready to allow the student to choose their words; students want faculty to be aware, not to fix or offer advice.
  • Be open to different ways in which people may need to communicate. Students may struggle with an in-person meeting and request communication in another way.

For Students Not Registered with ODR, but Who Disclose a Disability

  • Be knowledgeable about resources on campus; share many resources, including the Office of Disability Resources. Using the Resource Flyer during this conversation can be helpful.
  • Discuss class expectations with the student, pointing out areas where additional support or communication may be helpful.
    • For example: should a student disclose a chronic illness that may impact attendance, share process of connecting with ODR, but in the meantime point out class assignments that may be difficult to make up or assignments that can be done in different ways.
  • Encourage the student to utilize office hours, or other ways of communication, especially if it is around concerns for your course, but also connecting with ODR.


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