
The Office of Disability Resources (ODR) is a mandated department here to support students with disabilities by determining appropriate accommodations based on documented need. Provost Mikhalevsky has previously stated, “We need to remember that providing access to our academic programs, creating an inclusive environment, and supporting the educational needs of our students is a responsibility we all share”.[1] This aligns with our ASPIRE values, most importantly Inclusive Excellence.

Inclusive Excellence states that “we strive for all members of the community to have equitable access to opportunities for participation and the resources necessary for success”.[2]

This value not only falls in line with our ASPIRE goals but the laws and regulations we are mandated to follow as a state institution. As a community, we work to make sure all students, those with and without disabilities, have access to all course content provided by UMW.

We hope faculty will use this resource as they see fit; as it was created in a way to provide real information about step-by-step processes to accessibility, working with students who may or may not disclose a disability, the accessibility of chosen online-platforms used within courses, and information about additional support across campus.

We thank you for your continued attention to accessible content and inclusive teaching at the University of Mary Washington.

The ODR Staff

Contact us at: odr@umw.edu

  1. Mikhalevsky, Nina. “On Campus Walk.” On Campus Walk Collaborating with the Office of Disability Resources Comments, Feb. 2019, provostnotes.umwblogs.org/2019/02/01/collaborating-with-the-office-of-disability-resources/.
  2. “Our Principles and Values.” About UMW, 5 Mar. 2019, www.umw.edu/about/our-principles-and-values/


Access for All Copyright © 2020 by dsmith24; Alison Grimes; and Danielle Smith. All Rights Reserved.