Jon Swanson spent the first half of his career in higher education. He taught speech and thinking skills, helped develop a degree completion program for adults, and gave administrative oversight to areas like the library, academic computing, and the registrar.
He spent the second half of his career in pastoral ministry, He was administrative pastor at one church and executive pastor at another. He helped out in communication, spiritual formation, arranging tables for events, creating budgets, worship producing, and Bible study.
Now in the third half of his career, he’s a hospital chaplain and consultant.
Jon and Nancy have been married since 1983 and have two adult, married, children. He earned his Ph.D. in Rhetorical Theory and Criticism from the University of Texas at Austin, and is ordained by the Missionary Church.
Jon has published A Great Work about the book of Nehemiah, Lent for Non-Lent People, A New Routine about the Sermon on the Mount, and Saint John of the Mall, an Advent reader. He writes five days a week at and regularly at