The varieties of Intensive Care Units.
- NICU: Neo-natal
- PICU: Pediatric
- STICU: Surgical Trauma
- MICU: Medical
- CVICU: Cardio-Vascular
- CCU: Coronary Care Unit
- BICU: Burn
- NeuroICU: Brain
Intensive Care
There may be many intensive care units. They are designed to patients with life-challenging issues. They have low patient to nurse ratios (often 1 nurse for every 2 patients), and high concentrations of equipment.
A surgical trauma intensive care unit (STICU) is for people who have had surgeries or traumas. The focus of their need is what happened to their body from outside.
A medical intensive care unit (MICU) is for people with problems that started inside.
Neonatal intensive care (NICU) is for babies right after they are born. Premature infants, infants with genetic situations, birth defects.
Pediatric intensive care (PICU) is for babies and children through age 16 or 17.
Cardiac (CICU) and Cardio-vascular (CVIVU) are for heart patients.
What doctors are called
Sometimes vocabulary is simple math.You add one word to another and you get the clarity.
For example, an ologist is someone who specializes in some area. Cardiac is relating to the heart. So a cardiologist is a physician who specializes in hearts.
Nephro relates to kidneys, so a nephrologist is a kidney doctor.
Neuro is about the brain, so a neurologist studies and specializes in brain diagnosis and treatment. A neurosurgeon operates on brains.
Pulmonary is about lungs, so a pulmonologist is a lung specialist. And cardiopulmonary medicine is about the heart and lungs together.
A Hospitalist is a doctor whose practice happens almost exclusively in the hospital She or he tends not to have an office, unlike a primary care physician who works primarily from an office or a clinic.
An Intensivist is a cardiopulmonary doctor who works in intensive care.
A D.O is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
An M.D. is a Medical Doctor
Trauma and Medical
When you hear about traumas, those are injuries that are from outside the body. Medical issues are from inside the body. So injuries from a motor vehicle accident (MVC) or a fall are traumas. A heart attack or stroke are medical.
Intensive Care
There may be many intensive care units. They are designed to patients with life-challenging issues. They have low patient to nurse ratios (often 1 nurse for every 2 patients), and high concentrations of equipment.
A surgical trauma intensive care unit (STICU) is for people who have had surgeries or traumas. The focus of their need is what happened to their body from outside.
A medical intensive care unit (MICU) is for people with problems that started inside.
Neonatal intensive care (NICU) is for babies right after they are born. Premature infants, infants with genetic situations, birth defects.
Pediatric intensive care (PICU) is for babies and children through age 16 or 17.
Cardiac (CICU) and Cardio-vascular (CVIVU) are for heart patients.