Book Title: Blended Language Learning: Evidence-Based Trends and Applications

Book Description: As research and best practices on the use of Blended Language Learning (BLL) pedagogies and technologies evolve, there is a need to document and share them with the international second and foreign language learning researchers and practitioners. Experts and leaders in the field have contributed chapters to this timely e-book to help guide educators and policy makers on how to successfully design and implement BLL.
Book Information
Book Description
This peer-reviewed e-book comes at an unprecedented moment in online and digital education history, when the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way distance education and remote learning are viewed and practiced. With millions of learners and educators shifting to the online space, discovering the opportunities and challenges of online vis-à-vis offline learning, there has been more interest and appreciation for blending these practices. Blended Learning (BL) is a rapidly developing area of education having tremendous implications for foreign and second language teaching and learning around the globe, particularly in the post-pandemic era that will be characterized by major shifts toward BL and transition to online learning. With the increasing popularity of Blended Language Learning (BLL), there is a need to share with our international colleagues’ research and practice reports pertaining to various aspects of BLL and to disseminate the knowledge of what works, what does not, and why.
Blended Language Learning: Evidence-Based Trends and Applications Copyright © 2021 by International Association for Blended Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.