
Book Title: Digital Readiness Toolkit

Authors: Emily Pfotenhauer; Vicki Tobias; and Kristen Whitson

Cover image for Digital Readiness Toolkit

Book Description: Welcome to Recollection Wisconsin’s Digital Readiness Toolkit, a complete guide to creating and tending a digital collection. Here you’ll find practical tools, guidelines, and templates for cultural heritage digitization projects, as well as resources for more in-depth learning.

Creative Commons Attribution


Book Information

Book Description

Public history organizations of all types and sizes — a local public library, a community genealogy group, a tribal language preservation program, an historic house museum, a county historical society — collect and preserve an incredible range of materials that reveal a multitude of stories from America’s past and present. Digital access to these materials has the power to enrich and connect people and communities in new and meaningful ways.

The Digital Readiness Toolkit equips public history practitioners — particularly those doing public history work in small, rural, or underrepresented communities, with few or no paid staff — with the foundational knowledge needed to support digital readiness in their institutions. We define digital readiness as having the skills, tools, and resources to provide online public access to archives and cultural heritage materials.

This toolkit does not replace the need for hiring professional archivists, curators, or collection managers, nor is it a substitute for comprehensive training in digital preservation. Rather, it provides an entry point to the topic and a shared framework for planning and benchmarking. It is a living document which will evolve in response to community input, changes in technology, and the availability of new resources.


Emily Pfotenhauer; Vicki Tobias; and Kristen Whitson


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Digital Readiness Toolkit Copyright © 2023 by WiLS (Wisconsin Library Services, Inc.) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Library, archive and information management


Digital Readiness Toolkit
Emily Pfotenhauer; Vicki Tobias; and Kristen Whitson
Kelli Hix; Marie Lascu; Amy Sloper; Moriah Ulinskas; Pamela Vadakan; and Sandra Yates

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Digital Readiness Toolkit Copyright © 2023 by WiLS (Wisconsin Library Services, Inc.) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Primary Subject
Library, archive and information management
Additional Subject(s)
Archiving, preservation and digitization
Publisher City
Madison, WI
Publication Date
October 6, 2023