View LTI & Results Usage Stats
As a network manager, you have access to Pressbooks LTI & Results usage stats for each LTI Platform registered on your network.
As an institutional manager on a Shared Network, you have access to the same usage stats, but only for LTI Platforms that have been assigned to your institution by a network manager.
LTI & Results stats live on their own page, reachable from the left sidebar of the admin dashboard at Stats > LTI & Results Usage.
Filter by time period
When you load the LTI & Results Usage page, you’ll see all stats to date. To limit stats to a specific time period, select a Start and End date at the top of the page and click the Apply filters button. While a date range filter is in effect, it applies to the interface view as well as csv files generated by clicking the Download csv button on the right-hand side of the page. Click the Reset filters button to remove a date range selection, restoring the default setting.
Understand usage stats
On the LTI & Results Usage page, you’ll see the following columns:
LTI Platform name: The name of the LTI Platform registered with Pressbooks LTI. Each row corresponds to an entry in the Integrations > LTI 1.3 Platforms page (reachable by network managers).
Institution: The name of the Institution assigned to each LTI Platform, if applicable. This is only relevant for Shared Networks and can otherwise be left blank. As a network manager on a Shared Network, you can assign LTI Platforms to institutions. Doing so allows institutional managers to view usage stats for the LTI Platform(s) assigned to their institution.
Total LTI launches: The total number of LTI launches within a given LTI Platform (to date or within a specified time period). A launch is counted each time a user opens a chapter, front/back matter, or the Pressbooks Results Viewer.
Unique Enrollments Using Results: When a student uses Pressbooks Results for the first time (to date or within a specified time period), they are counted as a unique enrollment using Pressbooks Results. They are counted at the moment they first attempt an activity that has been configured for grading. This column only counts students using Results, specifically. (It does not count students in courses that only use Pressbooks LTI without grade passback / Results.)
Unique Courses Using Results: When grade passback is used within a unique course in a given LTI Platform — for the first time to date, or for the first time during the specified time period — the course is counted in this column.
Unique Books Using Results: When a graded activity in a book on your Pressbooks network is attempted within a given LTI Platform — for the first time to date, or for the first time during the specified time period — the book is counted in this column.
Unique Instructors Using Results: When an instructor in a given LTI Platform opens the Pressbooks Results Viewer — for the first time to date, or for the first time during the specified time period — they are counted in this column.
Total numbers for all LTI Platforms counted together are shown at the bottom of each column.
Understand csv data
If you click the Download csv button on the right-hand side, you’ll download a file with detailed information beyond what is shown in the interface view. Within the csv, each individual LTI launch or grade passback event is included on its own row.
The created_at column shows the time of the event, while the log_type shows whether it was a launch (opening a chapter, front/back matter, or the Pressbooks Results Viewer), a deep_linking_list event (opening the Content Selector), a deep_linking event (importing selected content), or a grade event (grade passback prompted by attempting a graded activity). You might choose to filter the platform_name column in the csv file to only show events for a particular LMS instance. Context about each event is provided in this file: the LMS course, book name, book URL, and name of the assignment in which the event took place, along with the associated user (their Pressbooks username, name, LMS user role, and email address).
Only network managers are able to download this data for all LTI Platforms registered on their network. Institutional managers are able to download equivalent data limited to events on the LTI Platform(s) that their institution has been assigned to by a network manager.
This data is not available to other Pressbooks users and is never shared with or sold to any third-party organizations.