

    1. What is a Network Manager?
    2. Additional Resources
    3. Onboarding Checklist
    1. Sign Up for the Forum
    2. Participate in the Conversation
    3. Create a New Topic
      1. Create New Books
      2. Use the Book List
      3. Deactivate a Book
      4. Reactivate a Deactivated Book
      5. Delete a Book
      6. Publish and Unpublish Books
      7. Administer Books in Bulk
      8. Filter the Book List
      9.  Download Book Lists as CSV Files
      1. Register New Users
      2. Use the User List
      3. Delete a User
      4. Delete Users in Bulk
      5. Filter the User List
      6. Download User Lists as CSV Files
      7. View User Info
      1. Edit Site Identity
      2. Display a Front Page Catalog
      3. Display a Contact Form
      4. Customize the Contact Link
      5. Display Social Media Links
      6. Customize the Theme Colors
      7. Change the Header Image
      8. Customize Your Menus
      9. Add Footer Widgets
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      11. Add a featured image to your network catalog
      1. Edit an Existing Page
      2. Add a New Page
      3. Create a Page Section
      4. Add Call To Action Buttons
      1. Add Books to Your Catalog
      1. View Current Network Managers
      2. Enforce Book Upload Space Quota
      3. Set Max upload file size
      4. Set Default Book Theme
      5. Set Default Language
      6. Set Default PDF Page Size
      7. Update Iframe Allowlist
      8. Opt Out of Pressbooks Directory
      9. Allow registered users to create and clone new books
      10. Allow user self-registration
      11. Allow book administrators to invite new users as collaborators on their book
      12. Limit Email Registrations
      13. Ban Email Domains
      14. Send Email Notifications
      15. Require users to opt-in to terms of service at registration
      16. Customize Welcome Email and Welcome User Email Messages
      17. Send Events to Google Analytics
      1. Page View & Download Data
      2. View Users Over Time
      3. Books Over Time
      4. View User Activity Over Time
      5. View Network Storage
      6. View Most Cloned Books
      1. Comparing Koko Analytics and Google Analytics 4
      2. About Koko Analytics
      3. View Koko Analytics data
      4. Configure Koko Analytics settings
      5. Send Events to Google Analytics
      1. Filter by time period
      2. Understand usage stats
      3. Understand csv data
  1. Support Users
      1. Getting started with Pressbooks
      2. Advanced Pressbooks Publishing
      1. Permitted Plugins
      2. Disallowed Plugins
      3. Request a Plugin Review
      4. Request Custom Development
      1. Debug File Upload Error Messages
      1. SAML2 Log In Flow
      2. SAML2 Settings Page
      3. Automatic Configuration
      4. Manual Configuration
      5. Configuration Settings
      6. Requested Attributes
      7. User identification mechanism
      1. OIDC Log In Flow
      2. Configuration Settings
      3. Exchanging Metadata
      4. Requested Claim Values
      1. Canvas
      2. Moodle
      3. Blackboard
      4. D2L Brightspace
      1. Canvas
      2. Moodle
      3. Blackboard
      4. D2L Brightspace
      1. Canvas
      2. Moodle
      3. Blackboard
      4. D2L Brightspace
      1. For Canvas Users
      2. For Moodle Users
      3. For Blackboard Users
      4. For D2L Brightspace Users
      1. Add or Edit Institutions
      2. Assign Users to Institutions
      3. Assign Books to Institutions
      4. Assign LTI Platforms to Institutions
      5. Filter Network Book/User Lists by Institution
      6. View Institution Details in Stats Downloads
    1. Pressbooks Guides and Resources
    2. OER Repositories and Directories
    3. Resources for OER