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"Rethinking Early American Literature" Prefatory Note
1. Introduction (2015)
Hannah Hounsell
2. Journal of the First Voyage to America, 1492-1493 (Excerpt)
Christopher Columbus
3. Narrative of the Third Voyage, 1498-1500 (Excerpt)
4. Introduction (2015)
Shannon Griffiths, Kendal LaRiviere, David MacNeill, Timothy Mooneyhan
5. The Peyote Cult (Plains)
Paul Radin
6. Of the Girl who Married Mount Katahdin (Penobscot)
Charles Leland
7. How Glooskap went to England and France (Passamaquoddy)
8. The Origin of Disease and Medicine
James Mooney
9. Viracocha and The Coming of the Incas
10. The Magic Feather
11. The Island of Skeletons
12. Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet
13. Introduction (2015)
Sam Gagnon
14. Prologue
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
15. Chapter VII: The Character of the Country (Excerpt)
16. Chapter VIII: We Go from Aute (Excerpt)
17. Chapter X: The Assault from the Indians (Excerpt)
18. Chapter XII: The Indians Bring Us Food (Excerpt)
19. Chapter XXI: Our Cure of Some of the Afflicted
20. Chapter XXIV: Customs of the Indians of That Country (Excerpt)
21. Chapter XXXII: The Indians Give Us the Hearts of Deer (Excerpt)
22. Chapter XXXIII: We See Traces of Christians (Excerpt)
23. Chapter XXXIV: Of Sending for the Christians (Excerpt)
24. Requerimiento
25. Introduction (2015)
Justin Siewierski & Simon Pierpont
26. Letter on the Pueblo Revolt
Don Antonio de Otermín
Edmund Nequatewa
28. Anno Dom: 1628 (Excerpt)
William Bradford
29. Anno Dom: 1637 (Excerpt)
30. Anno Dom: 1623
31. Preface
32. Chapter 9: Of their voyage, and how they passed the sea; and of their safe arrival at Cape Cod
33. The remainder of Anno 1620 (Excerpt)
34. Anno Dom: 1642
35. New English Canaan (Excerpt)
Thomas Morton
36. Introduction (2015)
Shana Rowe
37. The Prologue
Anne Bradstreet
38. The Author to Her Book
39. The Flesh and the Spirit
40. In Honour of the High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth
41. Letter: To My Dear Children
42. The First Remove
Mary Rowlandson
43. The Second Remove
44. The Third Remove
45. The Fifth Remove
46. The Eighth Remove
47. The Twelfth Remove
48. The Thirteenth Remove (Excerpt)
49. The Eighteenth Remove
50. The Twentieth Remove (Excerpt)
51. Watch the Point of View
Jenna MacKinnon
52. The Role of Religion in the Colonial Encounter
53. Perspective of One-Eyed John from the First Remove.
John J. Bush III
54. Those Monsters
Marissa Vargas
55. A Guilty Victim
Samantha Latos
56. How to Get Away with Genocide
Carmen Maura
57. Colonial Enfrownters And How to Survive One
Randy Garfield
58. The Other Side of It
Rowan Finnegan Cummings
59. Paint with All the Colors of Perspective
Toni O'Keefe
60. The Contorted Colonial Encounter
Tianna Currier
61. Exposing Yourself Whilst Trying To Expose Others
Sydney P.
62. A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson: One Poor Wounded Babe
Jessica Esdale
63. Depicting the Colonial Encounter
Jessica Caputo
64. Wonders of the Invisible World: The Author's Defence
Cotton Mather
65. Wonders of the Invisible World: The Trial of Martha Carrier at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Salem, August 2, 1692
66. Decennium Luctuosum: An History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Long War
67. Introduction (2015)
Jonathan Neville
68. Personal Narrative (Excerpt)
Jonathan Edwards
69. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Excerpt)
70. Sarah Pierrepont Edwards on Conversion
Sarah Pierrepont Edwards
71. A Short Video About Thomas Paine
72. Introduction (2015)
David Walker
73. Common Sense (Excerpt)
Thomas Paine
74. The Age of Reason (Excerpt)
75. Introduction (2015)
Samuel Metivier
76. Notes on the State of Virginia (Excerpt)
Thomas Jefferson
77. Letter to Nathaniel Burwell
78. Introductory Video
79. Toussaint's Constitution (Excerpt)
Toussaint L'Ouverture
80. A Narrative of the Uncommon Sufferings, and Surprizing Deliverance of Briton Hammon, a Negro Man...
Briton Hammon
81. Introduction (2015)
Rachel Levi
82. A Charge Delivered to the African Lodge
Prince Hall
83. "On Being Brought from Africa to America"
Phillis Wheatley
84. On the Equality of the Sexes
85. Desultory Thoughts Upon the Utility of encouraging a degree of Self-Complacency especially in Female Bosoms
Judith Sargent Murray
86. Charlotte Temple: Volume I
Susanna Rowson
87. Charlotte Temple: Volume II
88. Introduction (2017)
Kelsey Davis, Hannah Fitzgerald, Brittany John
89. Introduction (2016)
Jesse Giordano, J'Lillian Mello, Elizabeth Smith
90. Rip Van Winkle
Washington Irving
91. Rip Van Winkle: A Feminist Battle Cry
Mason Masotta; Connor Smith; and Autumn Stearns
92. Rip Van Winkle: You're Just Like Your Father!
Jessica Esdale; Kayla Orthman; and Jeremy Munroe
93. The Black Vampyre: A Legend of St. Domingo (1819)
94. Sucking the Meaning Out of The Black Vampyre (Group Anthology Contribution 2019)
Jessica Chretien and Sydney P.
95. The World is a Vampire
Dalton Puffer
96. What Cannot be Escaped in Death: Racism and Immortality
Danielle Murphy
97. Food and Sustenance in Early Gothic American Literature
Rose Paulin
98. The Black Vampire Critiques Human Nature
Melissa Murphy
99. The Black Vampyre is Gothic? Big Surprise, Right?
Benjamin Ruhl
100. Introduction (2015)
Kelsey Neely
101. The Minister's Black Veil
Nathaniel Hawthorne
102. Young Goodman Brown
103. Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe (2015)
Kendall Panaggio
104. The Black Cat
Edgar Allan Poe
105. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
106. Deviance in Edgar Allan Poe and American Literature (Group contribution 2019)
Jared Gendron and Merak Alosa
107. Introduction to The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838) (2017)
John J. Bush III, Casey Ouellette, Marissa Vargas
108. Introduction to The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838) (2016)
Lindsey DeRoche, Cassandra Gray, Kameron Towle, Meganne Tuplin
109. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838)
110. Poe and King sitting on a throne of skulls
Willow Moulton
111. Poe Was Likely Inspired By Mary Shelley
112. Arthur Gordon Pym, Cannibal of Nantucket
Caitlin Andreasen
113. Ultimate Destroyer
Nathan Theriault
114. Of Freedom, Shipwrecks, and Intersectionality
Molly Ingram; Isaiah Knowlton; Jillian Mason; and Kamal Singhani
115. Companionship and Hope Amid Tragedy, a Commentary on the Significance of Hope in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Logan Connelly; Joshua Gammel; Tess MacMahon; and Liliane Nyamuhoza
116. Thalassophobia: Fear of the Ocean
Kayla Orthman
117. Man is What Things Allow
Jahlan Finney
118. Swiss Army Man
Daniel Harrison
119. Tiger the Mailman
Lily Cloutier
120. Tired
Jeremy Munroe
121. A Look Into Transcendentalism (Group Anthology Contribution 2019)
Delaney John-Zensky; Danielle Murphy; and Dalton Puffer
122. Introduction (2017)
Randy Garfield, Shayla Locke, Andrea Wasgatt
123. Introduction (2016)
Alexander Francione, Brandin Gilson, Jillian Moore, Gerrit Morse
124. "Self-Reliance" (1841)
Ralph Waldo Emerson
125. Double-Edged Pen
Maggie Pearson; Griffin Nyhan; and Brianna Romiglio
126. Self-Reliance Lesson Plan
Ben Sarkis; Monique Horne; and Autumn Farrow
127. Self-Reliance Lesson, Connection to the Contemporary and Themes/Arguments
Gabriel McSherry and Jahlan Finney
128. Introduction (2016)
Ryan Davis, Robert Marra, Hannah Huckins
129. "Where I Lived, and What I Lived For," from Walden
Henry David Thoreau
130. Introduction (2017)
Kyle Cipollone, Carmen Maura, Willow Moulton
131. Introduction (2016)
Daniel Gannon, Sandra Gurall, Taylor Hyer, Sarah Liebowitz
132. The Pursuit of Personal Freedom from Normative Labeling (Group Anthology Contribution 2019)
John Galusha; Rose Paulin; and Benjamin Ruhl
133. Benito Cereno
Herman Melville
134. Stupid Benito Cereno
135. American Excep(ship)alism
136. Inception of the Human Heart in Melville's "Benito Cereno"
Joshua Bartsch; Tianna Currier; and Toni O'Keefe
137. O Captain! My Captain!
138. America Isn't All That Great: As Told by Herman Melville
Paige Schoppmann
139. Moving Beyond the Nation: A Revolution
140. Changing With the Tide: The American Perspective
Mason Masotta
141. The Indirect and Direct Transformation of White Characters
Jessica Chretien
142. Turning a Blind Eye: Confirmation Bias in Benito Cereno
Jessica Caputo; Lily Cloutier; and Isabella McDonald
143. Black Speech and Silence
Miranda Kaplan
144. Untamed
Gabriel McSherry
145. Men of Word and Action
Isabella McDonald
146. Introduction (2017)
Caitlin Andreasen, Kristan McCoy, Nicholas A. Prescott
147. A Free Country: Irony in The Heroic Slave (Group contribution 2019)
Kristina Mehegan; John Shebell; and Brooklyn Trombley
148. The Heroic Slave (1852)
Frederick Douglass
149. The Sneaky African (Babo) Versus the Herculean African (Madison Washington)
150. In Da kitchen with Freddy D and Ya Boi Melville – Sweet vs. Spicy
Kristan McCoy
151. Douglass: Heroic or Cowardly?
152. “His Head Was with His Heart, and that was Far Away”
153. Fight the Power! By Supporting It?
Nicholas A. Prescott
154. It's All About Who Writes It
Jordan Cady
155. Frederick Douglass: A Breath of Fresh Air
Brittany John
156. Finally, a Person!
Dylan Silcox
157. "Evil" Versus "Good": A Difference in Slave Characters
Lydia Finch
158. Humanity's Enjoyment of Sectioning
Connor Smith
159. Slaves = Humans, OK?
Maggie Pearson
160. A Pill to Swallow
161. The Hero and the Villain
Ryan French
162. Exploring Madison's Journey to Freedom and Heroism
Delaney MacDonald; Josh Scarponi; and Jen Stellato
163. Intentions Left Unsaid...To An Extent
Delaney MacDonald
164. Melville Versus Douglass: The Trickster against the Sympathetic Heart
165. Nature-Men
Jared Gendron
166. Douglass Melville
Merak Alosa
167. Urgency and Lack Thereof
Delaney John-Zensky
168. The Heroic Slave Lesson Plan (tailored to Zoom)
Makensie Roderick and Julia Summa
169. Religion Has No Place in The Heroic Slave
Emily Philbrook; Owen Congdon-Moore; and Chase MacEachern
170. The Heroic Slave vs. Benito Cereno
Alexina Gillis
171. The Horrors of Slavery (and Irony)
Colton Gaudette
172. Introduction (2017)
Tucker Hayford, Paige Schoppmann, Katherine Whitcomb
173. Introduction (2016)
Olivia Hodsdon, Emily Holleran, Toni Gallant
174. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Harriet Jacobs
175. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Biography & Chapter 11-22 Critical Questions
Ryan French; Jenna MacKinnon; and Sara Worley
176. Further Reading for Scholarly Works of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Group Anthology Contribution 2019)
Lydia Finch; Sarah Irving; and Melissa Murphy
177. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Lesson Plan
Imani Barnhill; Wayne James; Rebekah Norton; and Justine Walsh
178. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Discussion questions for chapters I-XXII
Alexina Gillis; Emily Harris; and Daniel Harrison
179. Introduction (2017)
Amelia Berube, Jordan Cady, Samantha Latos
180. Introduction (2016)
Kateri Bean, Alexandria Dicentes, Isabelle Elsasser, Meredith Ryan
181. Uncle Tom's Cabin (Chapters 1-3, 7)
Harriet Beecher Stowe
182. Lesson Plan for Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (Group Anthology Contribution 2019)
Alyssa Desautelle; Rebecca Kelly; and Monique Legassie
183. When Sympathy Goes Beyond the Pages
Taylor Nute; Jamie Springett; and Gabriella Zaki
184. All The Slave Texts Thus Far
Tucker Hayford
185. "Slaves Are Human Too...When They Act White and Look Attractive"
Hannah Fitzgerald
186. Untitled
187. How to Depict a Black Character… by Depicting Them as “Not all Black”
188. Uncle Tom's Cabin versus Benito Cereno versus The Heroic Slave
Shayla Locke
189. "Hot People Are White-Looking and Good, Ugly People Are Evil"
Anna Greenwood
190. Using Religion to Internalize Whiteness
191. Stowe was White
192. The Depiction of Race in Uncle Tom's Cabin
Alyssa Desautelle
193. The Mother, The Father, and the Holy American Man
194. The Book That Started the Civil War
195. Things To Stop Romanticizing: The Stranger Things Kids and 19th-Century Slaves
196. Gentle Giants
197. Uncle Tom's Cabin: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Andrea Wasgatt
198. Racism's Prevalence in Early American Literature
199. Lesson Plan for Uncle Tom's Cabin
Madisen Bentzlin and Lillian Savage
200. Uncle Tom's Cabin Lesson Description
Miranda Kaplan and Grace Avery
202. Lesson Plan for Martin Delany’s The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of The Colored People of The United States (Group Anthology Contribution 2020)
Thomas Cox; Connor Cyr; and Garron Nangle
203. Introduction (2017)
Rowan Finnegan Cummings, Anna Greenwood, Nathan Theriault
204. Song of Myself
Walt Whitman
205. The Song is of Yourself, but Who Are You Singing To?
Asia Merrill and Shannon Haley
206. Song of Myself: Transcendentalism, Imperialism, Feminism, and Religion Explored (Lesson Plan)
Ina Nakuci; Jack Armbruster; Michael Locatelli; and Ivy O'Brien
207. Lesson Plan for Walt Whitman's Song of Myself (Group Anthology Contribution 2019)
Joelle Del Signore; Emily LeBlanc; and Dylan Silcox
208. Symbolism Within "Song of Myself" and America as a Whole (Lesson Plan for Whitman's Text)
Abby Brown; Rosie Connell; and Colton Gaudette
209. Introduction (2015)
Janina Misiewicz
210. The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg
Mark Twain
211. The One Million Pound Banknote
212. Where is American Literature Now?: Nuclear War, Cyber-Attacks and Still Fighting With the Natives
Katherine Whitcomb
213. Uncanny Parallels in Steven Universe
214. Does Twitter Poetry Count as American Literature?
Autumn Stearns
215. American Literature: Helping Queer Kids Figure Themselves Out Since 1855
216. We are still making America, let alone making it great
Kelsey Davis
217. I can do can too!!!
Gabriella Zaki
218. The Tradition
219. It's Always Sunny in America!
220. The (Super)Heroic (Time Travelers posing as) Slave(s)
221. The Theme of Rearticulation
222. Black Motherhood, The Desire For Family, and Black Heritage
Brooklyn Trombley
223. "WAV Files"; a Contemporary Piece of Early American Literature
Griffin Nyhan
224. American Literature in American Music
225. Thank u, Emerson
Jamie Springett
226. My Diligence is Only Meant to Write Your Eulogy
John Galusha
227. Why is this America?
Sarah Irving
228. "That Word is Only a Color"
Brianna Romiglio
229. This land is your land?
230. Re-share, Re-view, Recycle: How Early American Themes Reappear in Modern Texts
231. Where is American Literature Today?: The Answer Might Surprise You
232. "You Can't Hide What's In Your Heart"
233. Patrick Batemen is Ralph Waldo Emerson
234. GTFO
235. It’s Time to “Get Out” Your Antiquated Views on Race
236. Twelve the Life of a Slave Girl
237. I'm Not the Right Person to Be Talking About This
Asia Merrill
238. Life Imitates Art...or Art Imitates Life?
Kamal Singhani
239. Madison Unchained
Jen Stellato
240. Into Self-Reliance
241. Down the Rabbit Hole
Isaiah Knowlton
242. The Self-Reliant Baby Driver (Spoiler Alert!) - Where is American Literature Now?
Amelia Berube
243. Avatar is just Pocahontas with Blue People in Space
244. SHOOK: Django is Madison Washington.. with a trigger happy finger.
245. Why Does it ALWAYS Take a White Character to be Able to Save those of Color?
246. Wakanda Forever?
247. Equality? I don't think so.
Shannon Haley
248. The H8teful 8
Taylor Nute
249. The Culture With The Attention Span Of A Goldfish
250. Harriet Jacobs and William Peter Blatty: Interpretations of Slavery, Maternity, and Weaponized Religion
251. American Literature Today
252. Technology's Impact on Literature
John Shebell
253. The Dance of American Literature
Monique Legassie
254. The Princess War: A Feminist Saga
255. Feminism in The Female American
256. Feminism Displayed in The Female American Through The Crazy Ex
257. Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned
258. My Religion is Better than Yours
259. Call My Agent, Disney's Got a New Movie to Make
260. The Female American - Anti-Bibliomancy?
Casey Ouellette
261. The Inverse of Power Between Worlds
262. Native American or Classical Painting?
Kristina Mehegan
263. And God Said "Oops"
264. Unca: Gender will not be my weakness
Kyle Cipollone
265. A Relationship that Reflected the World Around Them
266. The Sun and The God
267. Religion: Saying Yes to the Colonial Encounter
Joshua Bartsch
268. Unca is the Scientist of Her Own Experiment
Molly Ingram
269. To All Resilient Young Women
Jillian Mason
270. Raiding, Capturing, and Slaughtering in the Name of God
271. Religion as Comfort Versus Religion as Justification
272. God Complex Much?
Emily Philbrook
273. Hurricane Winkfield
274. False Miracles by the Hand of Faith
Grace Avery
275. Winkfield: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
276. Imperialism & The Female American
277. The (Other) Religious Motive for Winkfield’s Journey
278. An Unstable Identity: The White American Man
279. America: Utopia or Dystopia?
280. The Naive and Delusional Farmer
281. Men Are Like Plants; They’re Weak
282. Proud to be an American, Where at Least I Know I’m… Part of an Industry?
283. He Should Have Worked for Real Estate
284. J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur: National Hero or Portrayal of White Guilt?
285. Live Long and Industrialize… Unless You’re a Slave, Then It’s Highly Improbable That Will Happen.
286. Who You Calling a Plant?
287. For Sale: America! Get It Now!
288. America the Great
Joelle Del Signore
289. Beautifulish Americans
290. Come To America! Wait, No! Not THAT Part! And... Ignore the European Qualities...
Emily LeBlanc
List of Full-Text Links to Texts from 2015 Edition
Toussant’s Constitution from Jonathan Neville on Vimeo.
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The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature: A PSU-Based Project Copyright © 2016 by Jonathan Neville is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.