Book Title: From Recovery to Enhancement: Using the SMS to Recreate Your Athletic Identity

Book Description: This particular work is one part of the author’s undergraduate senior capstone project and is one of 11 in the series titled “Controlling the Narrative for Peace of Mind.” Seniors enrolled in Professor Erica Kleinknecht’s capstone seminar in the Spring of 2021 all used a core set of literature as a starting point and then they personalized the content to an area of their choosing. The work here reflects an integration and application of literatures in cognitive, applied cognitive, psycholinguistic fields of study, plus additional topic-specific content.
Book Information
From Recovery to Enhancement: Using the SMS to Recreate Your Athletic Identity Copyright © 2021 by Brynne Middaugh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.