
For Marta Berthold

¡Hola Marta!
Daytime high, Ushuaia,
7 degrees: the nightly low
0. It will be partly cloudy
for a bit, then change,
because nothing is ever for forever
on Tierra del Fuego.
: -( I wish I were there,
up that lovely, lonely, hill again,
in Parque Nacional.
Tierra de Fuego,
where a girl-child laughed downhill,
and the wind kept changing.
it took me forever to get there,
to where everything in the world was just as I left it,
and I went down to the other end of it to find it again.
I was born, I guess, for Lands of Fire,
and Ends of the Earth.
And that stupid nostalgia
that was there, even then, under that tree, on that hill,
when it hit me like a change in the wind,
when I knew I was happy, and could never be that happy again.
: -( I wish I were there.


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