
What Do You Understand by Seamless Learning?

“Seamless learning” focuses on learning experiences by using wirelessly and seamlessly connected technology in different learning environments and settings that support, improve and enrich the learning process of students. “Seamless’ learning” scenarios offer subject cross academic opportunities and support personal awareness and behavioral changes.

In this workshop you will be introduced to the background of seamless learning as well as a number of interesting practical examples of seamless learning. Thereafter we will be exploring different perspectives during a group work session about this topic by following the Walt-Disney creativity technique. This may be new to you too.

The workshop is a duplication of a workshop that was prepared by Ellen Rusman, assitant professor from the TELI-programma from the Welten-Institue of the Open Universiteit and presented the findings at the International mLearn 2018 conference in November in Chicago.

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Workshop Programme

Room number:


Time: 12.00-13.30 pm

12.00 – 12.15 Welcome
12.15 – 12.30 Introduction to Seamless learning en the Disneys-creativity technique
12.30 – 12.50 Completion of surveys and paricipation in groupwork
12.50 -13.15 Post-it notes on poster from the group conversation
13.15 -13.30 Conclusion and discussion  of results

Instructions for Attendees

  • Complete the short survey. By completing the survey your consent to using the results from the workshop for further research is accepted.
  • Statement:
    “Seamless’ (learning)experiences should become a standard component within the curriculum of your institution”.
  • Reflect on this statement from your role description and write down your first reaction or thought on a piece of coloured post-it. Write as legible as possible.
  • Thereafter discuss the reactions from the different perspectives in your group and add the group reaction on a post-it note and add the post it to the combined poster.
  • Important: DO not criticise each other’s statement but keep your opinion from your perspective about the statement.

The Disney Model Roles4. The observer: The observer is someone who is neutral towards the different perspectives and who summarizes each feedback during the plenary/feedback session. (during the individual brainstorming session the observer chooses one of the other roles and participates in the first  session too.)

Pink post it: The dreamer:  Imagine ….

The dreamer is not a realist but looks at the statement from a positive perspective. For him/her the trees can literally grow into the heavens. Do not let any problems or risks stand in your way and keep an enthusiastic and positive approach. What would you do if no challenges would be encountered? Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What would you like to do? How do you imagine it? Visualize the situation as if you have already reached the goal. Go through the process so often until you can actually see the end result in your mind. What do you see there, how do you feel when you see it? And what are your thoughts at the moment?
  2. Why do you want to do this? What will the advantages be of this? What is the value added to your environment if it works out?

Green post-its: The realist: How do I reach my goal…..?

The realist asks himself the question: If we reach the goal what is the next step and how will be go about organizing it? Do not think about possible risks and shortcomings but think about the possibilities of how the dream will be reached.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How will you make this a reality? What do we need to reach the goal?
  2. What do we need, who needs to be involved, who do we need to include?
  3. How will we implement the ideas? What is the first, the second and the third step?
  4. How do we ensure that we are moving in the right direction? How do we know if it’s a success?

Yellow post-its: The critical thinker: What can go wrong?
The critical thinker looks at the idea from a skeptical perspective and focusses on what can go wrong and especially on what is missing. How will he/she benefit? What are possible problems, risks and obstacles of the idea? What are the disadvantages? What factors can be found against the idea? Will the results be worth the effort? Is the idea worth our time?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why would someone turn against the plan?
  2. What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of the idea?
  3. Who will be effected mostly by the idea? Who can make or break the idea? What are the needs of the people?
  4. What do we need in addition to this idea? Is something missing?

Biographic Survey:

By completing this questionnaire, you agree that the data may be used for research.

By completing this questionnaire, you agree that the data may be used for research.

  1. What is your gender? ___ Male        ___ Female
  1. What is your age?
__ 20-29 __ 50-59
__ 30-39 __ 60-69
__ 40-49 __ 70-79

Other: __ years

  1. What is your profession? (more than one answer is possible)
__ University head: Lecturer Law __ Advisor in education
__ University head: Lecturer Culture __ Policy maker in education
__  Researcher in education __ Manager in education
__ Researcher in domain  

If something else, please indicate:      …………………………………………………………………..

  1. Years of experience in this profession? ………………………… years
  1. Are you mainly involved in the education of the:
    (Indicate the correct answer, more than one option is possible.)
    __ Bachelor’s degree
    __ Masters’ degree
  2. How would you characterize your expertise?
  1. Can you describe your educational environment in three adjectives? (think of conservative, innovative, technological, inspiring, social / people-oriented, individualistic, professional, bureaucratic, result-oriented, slow, etc.)

Thank you for your time and co-operation!


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Seamless Learning in Higher Education Copyright © 2020 by International Association for Mobile Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.