Many thanks to the anonymous contributors, and to these authors: Adam Khan, Addison Franca, Ann Marie Dong, Ava Hiser, BP, Caleb Pinson, Caroline Gates, Chris McLaughlin, Christian Trent, CM, Eden Cook, Emily Martinez, Emma Kemp, Erin Lockhart, GWVT, Harana, Izzy Hua, Jaicee Dickerson, Katie Thorisch, Keana Jones, KPM, LKG, Long Ngo, Lumingo Lubobo, LW, MA, Mikayla Chandler, Morgan Pask, MS, Natalie Leiter, NC, NR, Philip Crowley, Rachel Averitt, Rachel Fisher, Rachel Goldin, Rohit Thomas, Saad Khan, Sidney May, SK, SV, and Taiwei Chang.
See the back of the book for a story index by author.