Conclusion: What We Are Doing, in Brief

Last update: 2024-06-28

  • We are operating a group structure called Partners for a Global Management of Suffering, based at, as a means for us to come together and carry out our activity, which consists in regulating, on an overall level, the occurrences of consciousness that are unpleasant. We are doing this since November 25, 2023. (DOING)
  • We are producing a continually updated webbookOur Action Plan About Suffering, created to identify and coordinate what we do together. Most of the pages are still at a preparatory stage, but we are moving towards a more rounded state of completion that will enable us to better flesh out Our Plan. We are doing this since November 25, 2023. (DOING)
  • We are attending meetings organized by International Suffering Abolitionism in order to exchange ideas and possibly find reciprocal contributions. We are doing this since December 2, 2023. (DOING)
  • We are setting up the bases for establishing a theoretical and practical discipline expressly devoted to the phenomenon of suffering itself. Our core online workspace for this purpose is A Discipline Specialized in the Study of Suffering. We are doing this since February 7, 2024. (DOING)


Our Action Plan About Suffering Copyright © by Partners for a Global Management of Suffering (Eds). All Rights Reserved.

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