
Blended Language Learning: Evidence-based Trends and Applications offers voices of scholars and practitioners who experienced, researched, and reported herein the various dimensions and contexts of blended language learning. This book is a compilation of diverse authors’ observations, perspectives, and styles of writing. The editors would like to thank all chapter authors for their significant contributions, peer-reviewing the manuscripts submitted by their colleagues, and for providing their invaluable feedback that resulted in this peer-reviewed volume.

We would like to also acknowledge with gratitude all those who have provided their reviews, opinions, and support for the book, including the International Association for Blended Learning (IABL) and in particular, Susan Ruckdeschel, IABL President, and Koni Drampala, IABL Treasurer.

The e-book would not have been possible without Rob Power of Power Learning Solutions, who graciously assisted with the publication and registration of this text, as well as with the creation of the cover art.


Cover art designed by Power Learning Solutions. Original images courtesy of:

Pixnio (n.d.). technology, laptop computer, mobile phone, telephone, headphones, dark. [Image file]. Used under Creative Commons Zero – CC-0 license. https://pixnio.com/objects/computer/technology-laptop-computer-mobile-phone-telephone-headphones-dark

pxfuel (n.d.). girl, woman, smile, headphone, young, asian, happy, face, model, technology. [Image File]. Used under Creative Commons Zero – CC-0 license. https://www.pxfuel.com/en/free-photo-qhfnd



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Blended Language Learning: Evidence-Based Trends and Applications Copyright © 2021 by International Association for Blended Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.