
Corpus tools

An overview of the tools and corpora used in this e-book

Elen Le Foll

The chapters of this book make use of different corpus tools and functions. If you are interested in learning how to use a specific tool or would like to use a specific corpus, you may find this list of the chapters sorted by the tools and corpora they rely on helpful.


English-corpora.org (formally BYU)

  • Free basic access to all users and corpora (with a limited, but usually sufficient, number of queries).
  • Registration required.
  • Option to upgrade to premium individual or academic licenses.

With the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA):

With the British National Corpus (BNC1994):

With the Corpus of American Soap Operas:

With the News on the Web (NOW) corpus:

With the Wikipedia Corpus:


Sketch Engine

  • Limited free trial account (30 days).
  • Registration required.
  • A growing number of freely accessible corpora are available for free without registration
  • Many EU higher education institutions have access via the EU-funded ELEXIS project (until March 2022).

With the family of EnTenTen corpora:

With the British National Corpus (BNC1994):

With instructions to create a custom corpus from web documents:


SKELL (Sketch Engine for language learning)

  • Free and no registration required.
  • Relies on a large corpus of web English.
  • Also available for a number of other languages, e.g. German, French, Polish…

SKELL only gives access to one corpus:


Of course, there are many more tools and corpora also worth exploring, many of which are listed in the appendix!