Chapter 15

Mental Health and the Latinx Population

While this is only a chapter, I would desire to elaborate on a whole book on this topic.

In this chapter, I will share my personal story about mental health and the factors that can influence mental health conditions in the Latinx population.

Many aspects of mental health need to be taken into consideration when talking to a Latinx patient:

  • Generation in the USA. When did they arrive? Were they born to Latinx parents? What generation are they? Algo age is essential.
  • Ways to get to the USA. Did this person have to travel here? Or were they born in the USA? Are they from Puerto Rico (Commonwealth), or do they have to swim in a float from Cuba? Did they cross the border through the desert? Are they political refugees from Venezuela whose lives are at risk and who almost died in a robbery? Are they newly hired in a University, and are they on a special visa? Are they students? Did they just get married to a USA citizen?
  • Health believes. It truly applies to anyone. What do you think about health? Is it more preventive for you, or do you believe doctors have the ultimate truth in all the sayings? Do you have a more holistic approach to health? Are there any home remedies your family uses that you would like to incorporate into your health routine? Many also believe God is the highest force to talk to or communicate with, so they do not need a psychologist or priest. Why would they speak to a doctor in mental health if they have God? Maybe they would choose a priest first.

What is needed by Adrianna Perez Zarco?

There is a need how to respond to a mental breakdown related to anxiety (or panic attacks). Sometimes people resort to calling 911 or the police to help, but that worsens things. Information about helping someone who is going through a mental health breakdown I know it would be beneficial, especially to the Latinx community. Not many Spanish details are readily available regarding mental health, and it is still considered a taboo topic. 

When someone is having an episode, it’s not received well, and sometimes people hold it against the individual for “being difficult.”

Here you can read about my personal story with mental health and suicide.

Working with the Latinx Patient


Tupelo Medical Interpreting Exercise

The following vignettes depict a medical interpreting situation. After reading it, please indicate what went wrong and why.

What is a possible solution according to your views?


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