
How to Use this OER Resource

This educational resource is provided free to ARTS 1303* students, in lieu of a traditional course textbook. It contains readings for the first half of a two-course Art History survey, as well as discussion and research questions designed to help you probe the selections more deeply. Your instructor may supplement these readings with additional texts and resources.

To get the most out of this virtual textbook, you should take notes as you read each selection. You can do this using a word-processing program (like Microsoft Word or Google Docs), or with an old-fashioned pen-and-paper notebook by your laptop or tablet. Write down major style categories, their identifying characteristics, and important works of art while you are reading. You should also keep a list of unfamiliar words, people, places, or historical references, to research/define.

The textbook is organized into two sections:

  • Art through History: a standard chronology – This section follows the standard chronological progression of art from Prehistory through the Medieval Period in Europe.
  • Making Connections: themes in art history – This section provides a comparative look at the more generalized themes within the art canon.

* Note: ARTS 1303 is the Texas common course number for an undergraduate survey of the development of Art History from Prehistory to the 14th Century, under Texas Education Code 61.832. If you are taking an art history course in another state or country, your course numbering may vary from this.