Book Title: Inquiry of the Public Sort
Subtitle: Microstudies in Public Administration and Public Affairs

Book Description: A collection of small-scale research projects in matters of public administration and public affairs, carried out by graduate students in the Programs of Public Affairs, University of Utah.
Book Information
Book Description
Unbeknownst to them, graduate students enrolled in Dr. David Carter’s Fall 2020 section of Research Design embarked on an experiment in research instruction. Working in groups of two-to-four, they conceived of, designed, and executed public affairs “microstudies”—small-scale research projects focused on tailored questions of public policy and public administration. This book presents the result of this experiment: seven diverse research projects on topics including public transit ridership, telework, and K-12 education modes during the COVID-19 pandemic; reproductive healthcare policy impacts; municipal climate change plans; environmental (in)justice, and; the workforce experiences of those with invisible disabilities. The studies are diverse in epistemological underpinnings and research methods—ranging from critical and interpretivist qualitative investigations to quantitative analysis of secondary data—but are united in their collective attention to research design fidelity and concern for findings with “public” relevance.
Inquiry of the Public Sort Copyright © 2020 by David P. Carter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Public administration