Book Title: Listening to the SONG of Life

Book Description: Listening to the SONG of life includes listening to all of life as an integrated SONG--each letter in the SONG represents a verse in the SONG of life with the process of listening as the refrain in the song. SONG is an acronym meaning listening in four contexts: self (S), others (O), nature (N), and Goddess-God-the Divine (G).
Book Information
Book Description
Listening to the SONG of Life opens intellectual thinking, study, teaching, and research beyond the normative perspective of listening to other human beings. It is our birthright to have access to the knowledge and skills to listen to the whole SONG of life: listening to Self, Others, Nature, and Goddess-God-the Divine. These new vistas provide a panoramic view of listening to the entire landscape of life. In this world, sensory and intuitive abilities are cultivated to intentionally listen to all of life. Developing these natural listening capacities enriches our mind, body, and spirit and integrates these areas into a broader sense of self that finds interconnections with many life forms, forces, and energies.
Listening to the SONG of Life Copyright © 2024 by E. James Baesler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Communication studies