Introducing Listening to the SONG of Life

1.6 Defining Listening to the SONG of Life


To summarize, listening to the SONG of life represents a developmental progression beginning with conscious awareness as a starting point. The progression continues with attention processes like sensory perception, meaning-making, intuitive understanding, and dualistic and non-dualistic ways of knowing. This process can evolve into the deeper listening of contemplation as a long, loving, leisurely, look at the real[1] which may progress into the deepest kind of contemplative-meditative spiritual listening described by world religious-spiritual traditions as nirvana, satori, enlightenment, awakening, mystical union, and cosmic consciousness.[2]

Future chapters will cover each aspect of listening to the SONG of life (self, others, nature, and God-Goddess-the Divine) in greater depth. To conclude this section of Chapter One, I develop metaphors of listening to the SONG of life to assist the reader in further understanding and recalling the four SONG contexts.

  1. William McNamara, The Human Adventure: Contemplation for Everyman (Colorado Springs: Image Books, 1976). 
  2. Wilber, The Spectrum of Consciousness.


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Listening to the SONG of Life Copyright © 2024 by E. James Baesler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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