Listening to Self

3.0 Introduction to Listening to Self


The Nature of Self

The question “Who are you?” or “What is the self?” is a complex and deep one. Consider the following story of the Buddha[1] and the following paraphrase I’ve created that illustrates an additional quality vital to an understanding of listening to the self.


A traveler came upon the Buddha and impressed by his radiance and peace, asked him:


TRAVELER. Are you a god?


TRAVELER. Perhaps you are a magician or wizard of some kind?


TRAVELER. Are you a man?


TRAVELER. Are you an angel?


TRAVELER. Then, please tell me, what are you?

BUDDHA. I am awake!


Playful Author-Reader Dialogue about the Nature of Self


AUTHOR. Who are you?

READER. What do you mean who are you? I’m __________(insert your name).

AUTHOR. Really? Is that all you are?

READER. Well, no, I’m a . . . (list some of the roles you identify with in society…for example, teacher, student, worker, manager…add age, political affiliation, religious-spiritual-philosophy, sexual orientation…)

AUTHOR. Yes, but is that the whole of who you are?

READER. Well, I am (list things related to your personality, for example, outgoing, diligent, kind . . . and things you love doing, for instance, listening to music, hiking, watching movies, journaling . . . )

AUTHOR. Okay, it that it? Is that everything?

READER. Let me see . . . I have a mind, body, emotions . . . is that what you mean?

AUTHOR. Yes, AND . . . is there anything else?

READER. I don’t think so.

AUTHOR. So, if you were to summarize . . . how would you define your SELF?

READER. I thought I knew, but now I’m not so sure.

  1. There are many versions of this story that is based on the Dona Sutta: With Dona, trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhustory [from the Pali], 2005.


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Listening to the SONG of Life Copyright © 2024 by E. James Baesler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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