Teaching Listening to the SONG of Life

2.6 Ending the Class SONG of Listening: Beginning the Life SONG of Listening


We ended the term the same way we marked the middle of the term by voicing our listening learnings through poetry. My face felt wet with tears welling up on more than one occasion as I listened to the heart-felt poems that conveyed the breadth and depth of student learning from listening to the SONG of life throughout the semester. In their individual student conferences, students highlight moments like, “This has been a life-changing experience for me,” “I will actually use what I learned,” “I learned more in this class than in any of my other Communication classes,” “I hope you offer this again because my friends want to take it.” I felt a sense of fulfillment in what we accomplished together. I reflect on the semester as well, bringing closure to the last class by reading my poem, Dr. B. Dreaming. Students lingered after class, we talked some, and more importantly we listened to our song of life.


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Listening to the SONG of Life Copyright © 2024 by E. James Baesler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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