
Listening to Goddess-God-the Divine

6.5 Chapter Summary


A Prayer for Listening to the Divine


May this chapter of stories, resources, and activities about listening to the Divine song of life provide teachers with ideas for how to incorporate listening activities into their classes. May these ideas inspire students to explore the many ways to listen and connect with the Divine. I hope that these pathways of listening to the Divine inspire teachers to develop a greater capacity to listen to the Divine song in their own life so that they can teach from a Divine center, igniting and enkindling the Divine flame in the lives of their students.

And, for everyone, in and outside of academia, may our ability to listen to the Divine song of life provide a greater sense of purpose in listening to ourselves, a more compassionate and caring listening disposition toward others, a wondrous and respectful listening to the natural world of earth, plants, and animals, and a renewed sense of our connection and understanding of what it means to be part of the Divine mystery of life.

This chapter concludes the four key chapters of listening to the SONG of life. We have explored listening to self, listening to others, listening to nature, and listening to God-Goddess-the Divine. The next chapter operationalizes listening to the SONG of life from a social scientific perspective by developing and testing a measure called L-SONG (Listening-SONG).


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Listening to the SONG of Life Copyright © 2024 by E. James Baesler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.