Which countries fought in World War I?
Step 1: Go to the ArcGIS Online map, Post-WWI & The League of Nations, and explore the map.
- What were the two alliances during WWI?
Step 2: Click the button, Bookmarks, and select Europe.
- Which countries made up the Central Powers?
- Which countries made up the Allied Powers?
How did World War I change Europe’s boundaries?
Step 3: Open and read the map note located in France.
- Which countries negotiated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Step 4: With the Details button depressed, click the button Content.
Step 5: Turn on the layer, Europe 1920. The layer, Europe 1916, should also be on.
Step 6: Turn on and off the Europe 1920 layer to see the boundary changes.
- What happened to Germany and Austria-Hungary after World War I?
- What are some of the countries that were created?
Which countries were members of the League of Nations?
Step 7: Turn off the layer, Europe 1916 and Europe 1920.
Step 8: Open and read the map note located in Switzerland.
Step 9: Turn on the layer, League of Nations 1920.
Step 10: Click the buttons, Bookmarks, and select League of Nations.
- Why was the League of Nations created?
- What patterns do you notice?
Step 11: Turn off the layer, League of Nations.
What were A, B, and C mandates?
Step 12: Turn on the layer, The Mandates 1923. Open and read the map note located in Turkey.
- What was the purpose of the mandate systems?
Step 13: Click the button, Bookmarks, and select Class A Mandates.
Step 14: Click and read each mandate.
- What are some countries that were once Class A mandates?
- Which countries administered them?
Step 15: Press the button, Bookmarks. Select Class B Mandates.
- Where were the Class B mandates located?
Step 16: Press the button, Bookmarks, and select Class C Mandates.
- Where were most Class C mandates located?
How did the Treaty of Versailles affect Europe and the Middle East?
Step 17: Turn on the layer, Europe 1920. Select the Europe bookmark.
- Which areas were likely potential hotspots for the League of Nations?
Step 18: Press the button, Bookmarks. Select Class A Mandates.
- What are some likely issues that arose with these mandates?
Step 19: Turn on the layer, Kurdistan.
Today, Kurdistan is a stateless nation, or a group of people with a common culture (nation) who do not operate as an independent political unit (state).
- How does Kurdistan reflect the decision made after World War I?