

How did the allies deal with Germany following World War II?

Step 1: Go to the ArcGIS Online map, Cooperation since 1945, and explore the map.

  • What happened to Germany following WWII?

Step 2: Click the button Bookmarks and choose Berlin.

  • What are some geographic challenges Berlin faced after World War II?

What alliances emerged following World War II?

After World War II, several alliances were created. 

  • Why do countries join alliances?

Step 3: With the Details button depressed, click the button, Contents.

Step 4: Turn off the layer, Divided Germany.

Step 5: Turn on the layer, Cold War Europe and Iron Curtain.

Step 6: Click the button, Bookmarks, and choose Europe.

  • What two countries did Germany become?

Step 7: Open and read the map note in Germany.

  • What two military alliances emerged after World War II?
  • What line symbolically divided the alliances/

Step 8: Click the button, Bookmarks, and select NATO.

  • Which alliance was east of the line, and which superpower led it?

How has the United Nations membership changed over time?

Step 9: Turn off two layers, Cold War and Iron Curtain.

Step10: Turn on the layer, United Nations.

Step 11: Open and read the map note located near New York City.

  • When was the United Nations created to replace the League of Nations? 

Step 12: Click the Play button and the time slider, and click the Pause button when it reaches 2015. 

  • What spatial patterns do you notice?
  • Which five countries are permanent members of the 15-member Security Council? 

One of the main reasons why countries belong to the UN and NATO or the Warsaw Pact is for the need for diplomacy and defense. 

How have European countries cooperated economically since World War II?

Step 13: Turn off the layer, United Nations, and turn on the layer, European Union. 

Step 14: Click the button, Legend. 

Step 15: Click the Europe bookmark.

It took a while for Eastern European countries to join the European Union because the Cold War did not end until 1991. 

Step 16: Open and read the map note located near the border of France and Germany.

  • Identify the positive effects of the European Union and Schengen agreement?
  • What are some adverse effects of this agreement?

Step 17: Turn off the layer, European Union.

How have other world regions cooperated since World War II?

Step 18: Turn on the layer, OPEC, and zoom to the layer. Hover over the layer name, click the More Options ellipses button. Then click the link, Zoom To. 

  • Which regions of the world belong to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)? The purpose of OPEC is to monitor global oil supplies and pricing. 

Step 19: Turn on the Trade Blocs layer, and zoom to the layer. 

Trade blocs are agreements between groups of countries that reduce or eliminate barriers of trade, such as taxes on imports and exports. The European Union and the United States-Canda-Mexico Agreement (USCMA) are considered trading blocks. Notice that most regions have a trading bloc. 


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World Regional Geography Lab Manual Copyright © 2019 by R. Adam Dastrup, MA, GISP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.