“They” tell us we can’t go back to the OLD WAY, to be realistic. But there is no old way, no new way, there is a way of life. We must live in balance with the EARTH. WE must do it. We have no choice. They want to break our spirit. They will do everything to break our spirit, our will to live.
(Meteors Image, see footnote)
John gets it… “They” are the INVISIBLES, the force you and I and our ancestors have been dealing with for centuries.
Seventh Fire Prophecy
In 1988, Edward Benton-Banai documented this prophecy in The Mishomis Book:
“The time of the Seventh Fire New People will emerge. They will retrace their steps to find what was left by the trail. Their steps will take them to the Elders who they will ask to guide them on their journey. But many of the Elders will have fallen asleep. They will awaken to this new time with nothing to offer. Some of the Elders will be silent because no one will ask anything of them. The New People will have to be careful in how they approach the Elders. The task of the New People will not be easy. If the New People will remain strong in their quest, the Water Drum of the Midewiwin Lodge will again sound its voice. There will be a rebirth of the Anishinabe Nation and a rekindling of old flames. The Sacred Fire will again be lit. It is this time that the light skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. One road will be green and lush, and very inviting. The other road will be black and charred, and walking it will cut their feet. In the prophecy, the people decide to take neither road, but instead to turn back, to remember and reclaim the wisdom of those who came before them. If they choose the right road, then the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth and final Fire, an eternal fire of peace, love, brotherhood and sisterhood. If the light skinned race makes the wrong choice of the roads, then the destruction which they brought with them in coming to this country will come back at them and cause much suffering and death to all the Earth’s people.”—Anishinabe Medicine man Eddie Benton-Banai (Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe)
Traditional Mide people of Ojibwe and people from other nations have interpreted the “two roads” that face the light-skinned race as the road to technology and the other road to spiritualism.
From the Mishomis Book:
To the sun, the Great Spirit gave the power of light and heat.
To the earth, he gave the power of growth and healing.
To the waters, He gave the power of purity and renewal.
And to the winds, He gave the power of music and the breath of life itself.
On earth the Great Spirit formed mountains and valleys, plains and forests, islands and lakes, bays and rivers. Everything was in its place. Everything was beautiful.
Then the Great Spirit made the plant beings. There were four kinds, flowers, grasses, fruits and trees.
To each He gave a spirit of life, growth, healing, and beauty. Each he placed where it would be the most beneficial and would lend to the earth its great beauty, harmony and order. After the plant beings the Great Spirit created the animal beings, and conferred on each special powers and natures. There were four kinds: crawlers, winged ones, swimmers, and the four-legged beings.
Last of all, He made Man. Though last in the order of creation, least in the order of dependence, and weakest in bodily powers, Man had the greatest gift: the power to dream.
The Great Spirit then made the Great Laws of Nature for the wellbeing and the harmony of all things and all creatures. The Great Laws governed the world, and movement of the sun, earth, moon and the stars. There is a natural law. It is the law that everyone is ruled by, including all things in creation. It is an absolute law. It is a law that has no mercy. It is a law that will always prevail. The basis of this great law is peace. And peace is a dynamic force. Peace takes a lot of effort.
ONLINE: Book Information: (with my thoughts)
For the last 500 years, since Columbus “discovered” the New World, controversy has raged. Was he the first? (No!) Was there sustained travel and trade between Europe and North America, back at the dawn of America’s history, 4500 years ago? (YES) How did the peopling of the Americas really happen? In this controversy, the ancient copper mines of Lake Superior (Kitchi-Gummi) have become an undeniable piece of hard evidence. There have been several books written about the tremendous amounts of pure copper that was set free by the glaciers in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Isle Royal. There is undeniable proof of the mining and gathering of that copper in the distant past. Some researchers have flatly stated that whatever the amount mined, some of it had to have gone elsewhere. There simply seems to be no end (destination) of a copper trade on this continent. Many of you, local history buffs, students of ancient American history, anthropology, archaeology, and Native American studies, may have never heard of the ancient copper mines on Lake Superior. But for those who do know of them, the question was always there.
Who dug approximately 5,000 copper mines 4500 years ago on Lake Superior’s Isle Royale and adjoining areas? Why did they do it, and where is the copper now? How could 20 to 50 million pounds of copper be removed from this area in such a fashion, that it literally seems to have vanished. Who did the work and where did the copper go?
It is significant that in the solving of this ancient puzzle, if Mediterranean area traders were involved, the accepted paradigm of the peopling of America must be changed. This book weighs in on this controversy. It does this in a straight-forward fashion. A simple case study of how these ancient mines came into existence, and the repercussions of the answer. The question of Diffusionism or Parallel Invention must at last be dealt with. This book, is part of your Ancient North American History, a subject that is as yet, in my opinion, not being taught. (Jewell’s book description)
I FINISHED READING: The book ATLANTIS IN WISCONSIN proposes a similar story: Joseph, Frank. Atlantis in Wisconsin: New Revelations about the Lost Sunken City. United Kingdom: Galde Press, 1995.
The Minoans used medicine but what was it? Plants? It’s said they had ceremonies in nearby caves.
Jose Panco, Native Doctor, Treating Sick Man with Rattle and Deer Tail
www.ids.si.edu, Date 1923 Pub: Bulletin 90 BAE Plate 15a/Original by Densmore
Place: Arizona San Xavier Reservation: Tohono O’odham (Papago)
Bear Ground, Outstanding Singer, Playing Drum
Bear Ground, Outstanding Singer, Playing Drum
IMAGE: www.IDS.SI.EDU: Date(s): undated Montana Lodge Grass Oto
You and I: We are healers. Yes we are. You don’t remember? Someone… no, some thing stopped us. We never lost our powers. I think about healing and medicine all the time. Not medicine in a western medicine kind of way, not with drugs, or pills for ills, or white coats. I mean the Real Deal: Old Medicine. Hemp. Cures. Herbs. Drums. All of it.
SAAMI TRIBES: Laila Spik – Saami Culture, Natural Remedies and Foods

The vibrations of drums are very powerful, used in healing and ceremony.
Ceremonial drums are used in a ritual context by Indigenous peoples around the world, often accompanied by singing or chanting.
In the circumpolar regions the drums have been classified by traits such as the knob, frame design, size, membrane motifs, ornaments, etc. There are therefore two main groups of drums: those with internal and those with external knobs. Drums with internal knobs are found amongst the Tjuktjer in Asia and among North American Inuit.
Drums with external knobs are more widespread and are divided into four types:
West Siberian: (Khant, Mansi, Nenets)
South Siberian: (groups living above and in the mid regions of the Yenisei River). This type has many variations (Sajano-Yeniseic, Sjoric, Altaic)
Mid Siberian: This type has two variants, Evenki-Yakutic and Nganasans-Entsic.
Middle East: (Nanayians, Udegeyians, Ulchians, Nivkhians, Ainu, Evenkians, Buryatsians, Yukagirians, Dolganians, Orochs, Orokians, Negidalians and Zabaykalska Evenkians, that is Evenkians from the region far Lake Baikal, where two types are characteristic: Amursic and Zabaykalic)
The historical Saami drum, sometimes termed Rune Drum, belonged to the South Siberian kind, Sajano-Yeniseic subtype. (Those are, however, very similar to the Sjoric subtypes.) The Sami word for drum is ‘kannus’, ‘kobdas’ and the Altaic term is ‘komus’. The Sami drum-stick term is ‘arpa’; the Altaic term is ‘orba’.
FYI: January 2022, I blogged about the SAMI: https://blog.whatjusthappened.xyz/
SAAMI STONE AX: flintviggar (stone ax)
As with the Torsviggar axes it is possible that the flint spearheads found in the nature were attributed magical powers. Oscar Montelius (1872) writes: ”While the Stone axes have been perceived as “åskviggar” / thorsviggar, the flint arrows has partly been seen as the weapons that the Thunder God hit down with lighting”. In northern and central Sweden several stone axes and chisels are found that resembled and by some were named “flintviggar” [Hildebrand (1870-73)]. However in the 1800eds a tradition developed within Swedish and Nordic archaeology and history with separate interpretation-systems of the Sami and the non-Sami. Archaeological findings of stone axes in the areas traditionally settled by the Sami in the 1800s were not defined as related to the God Thor, and the Sami were detached from the general Nordic history by the academic establishment. In the text by Hildebrand and Hildebrand it is commented that the flintviggar from the northern areas of Sweden do not seem to have been properly preserved. There are several examples of such findings mentioned in the book by Hildebrand (1870-73) on pages 182 – 184. It is important to remind that the Sami from the earliest times have settled the southern areas of Sweden as well as southern Norway and Finland, but this fact has been uncared for. LINK: https://archive.org/details/lappiskmytholog02friigoog

Our early ancestors may have created rhythmic music by clapping their hands. This may be linked to the earliest musical instruments, when somebody realized that smacking stones or sticks together doesn’t hurt our hands as much. Many of these instruments are likely to have been made from soft materials like wood or reeds, and haven’t survived. What have survived are BONE PIPES. Some of the earliest ever found are made from swan and vulture wing bones and are between 39,000 and 43,000 years old. Other ancient instruments have been found in surprising places. For example, there is evidence that people struck stalactites or “rock gongs” in caves dating from 12,000 years ago, with the caves themselves acting as resonators for the sound.
It’s written that Ancient Minoans also used caves for their resonance and had ceremonies. They had medicine but what was it? Plants? (Image: Podcast via Facebook)
BRONZE AGE: Mystery Of 3,000-Year-Old Conical Hats – Was It A Highly Advanced Device?
Could the Bronze Age people possess such sophisticated astronomical skills as those presented on conical hats? Where did their advanced knowledge come from? Considered to be “hats of ancient wizards” their original purpose baffled scientists for many decades. Who wears gold conical hats? Similar hats were worn by many gods. Quetzalcoatl wore his conical cap as Ehecatl, the god of wind; the Sumerian gods are depicted in similar cone-shaped hats. Where can we get one?
Golden Conical Hats —Prehistoric European Mystery: Ancient Pages
The God Hermes – D’Ermes – d’hermès – Guden Hermes

ZERO CANCER? Apricots and The Hunza Longevity
If we look at any Indigenous culture around the world like the Sami and Hunza, we hope to find their secret for a long healthy life. Those of us who have heard of or read about the Hunza are familiar with the legends that this secluded people have a life expectancy of 120 years, with some living up to the age of 150 in GOOD HEALTH. (Nearby, the average life expectancy in Pakistan is only 67 years.)
Hunza Valley is the only place on earth with Zero-Cancer and the highest life expectancy rate.
Where are they? In a mountainous region of Northern Pakistan. The Hunza Valley, an isolated area of the Himalayas, is home to a community of people said to survive longer than anyone on Earth, living well over a century.
What are the health secrets to the Hunza people’s longevity? What is undoubtedly true is that their isolation and quality of life have some interesting characteristics that would certainly make one healthier. The Hunza are said to be able to bear children later than usual, never getting sick, and being impervious to cancer.
Hunza Health Secrets
The Hunza Valley is situated in a remote, pristine area, where locals grow their own food and use fresh glacier water for drinking and bathing. Cut-off from any nearby cities or commercial hubs, the Hunza do not consume any processed foods and eat a diet rich in vegetables, milk, grains and fruit, especially apricots.
Apricots are a staple for the Hunza, who are said to go for several months a year on a diet consisting purely of apricot juice. The Hunza are said to not suffer from cancer, due to their consumption of vitamin B-17, also known as amygdalin, found in apricot seeds. Their diet also consists largely of raw fruits and vegetables, and lesser quantities of meat.
Hunza live in an area of high elevation, where many work physically strenuous jobs, keeping them in peak physical shape, while breathing clean, fresh air. They walk steep hills everywhere, too. The Hunza practice yoga, and are aware of the importance of relaxation and energy management, resting when they need to and consciously mitigating anything that may cause emotional stress.
Do the Hunza really live to 150 years old? There’s an interesting story that may have something to do with their rumored vivacity found in the popular 1930s film, Lost Horizon. The Frank Capra classic, based on a novel by James Hilton, introduced us to Shangri-La, a paradise in which aging and illness are suspended. In the movie, an English convoy from China crashes in the Himalayas, stranding the passengers in blizzard conditions. The crew is discovered by locals and brought to a tranquil valley where they find refuge from the storm. The citizens of this magical place are said to be hundreds of years old, free of sickness and in perfect health. A terminally-ill member of the convoy starts regaining her strength, while everyone’s age seems suspended in time. When any of the characters leave Shangri-La, they return to their true age. Many believe Capra used the Hunza Valley as the basis for his conception of Shangri-La, sparking the legends of longevity that subsequently surrounded the Hunza Valley.
But there are also some unresolved mysteries involving the Hunza, like the origin of their language. Their language, known as Burushaski, is completely unrelated to the Indo-European or Tibetan languages bordering it.
The only similarity—that of the Basque region of Spain. The Hunza have the fairest skin out of any other group in Pakistan, adding to the assumption they may have descended from a small group that settled in the region at one point, possibly soldiers from Alexander the Great’s army, or another nomadic European group. While the Hunza are likely to have slightly longer life expectancies, it seems their lifestyle is, in fact, healthier than average, both physically and mentally. But since they doesn’t keep track of their age with birth certificates, it’s hard to determine their true life expectancy.

Hoodoo is what you call hope, what you call medicine, what you call the nine billion names of God… Who will have to also make myth, music, magic, muscle memory, race memory, and yeah, the English language do strange things, forbidden and unbidden things, unofficial and twisted creole things, thangs even, to steal a drink from freedom’s cup? This is what we mean by Hoodoo. [1]
Neo-HooDoo is not a church for egotripping—it takes its ‘organization’ from Haitian VooDoo. Milo Rigaud wrote: “Unlike other established religions, there is no hierarchy of bishops, archbishops, cardinals, or a pope in VooDoo. Each oum’phor is a law unto itself, following the traditions of VooDoo but modifying and changing the ceremonies and rituals in various ways.”
Music, magic and myth are assembled and disassembled throughout the Serpentine Gallery’s 2019 exhibition A TIME FOR NEW DREAMS, drawing upon a vast array of reference points in order to consider how spirituality can exist outside of definable faiths and how ritual manifests through art.
This far-reaching approach to spirituality and its variant manifestations is echoed by the extensive research of Robert Farris Thompson into African-Atlantic altars, whose 1993 publication, Face of the Gods: Art and Altars of Africa and the African Americas is foundational to Wales Bonner’s own research into the different meanings of shrines.
Central to Farris Thompson’s definition of these altars is their dual status as both fixed and moving: fixed (tree, fire, stone, dais) and moving (ring shouts, dancing, hand-clapping, circling, ecstasy), leading ultimately to visitation by healing spirits under God.[2]
[1] Tate, Greg. (2008), ‘Hoodoo is what we do’ in NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. p. 32.
[2] Thompson, R. F. (1993). Face of the Gods: Art and Altars of Africa and the African Americas. Munich, Germany: Prestel Publishing: inside cover.

Altars everywhere are sites of ritual communication with heaven,
a n c e s t o r s ,
and s p i r i t s ,
marking the boundary between the ordinary world and the world of the spirits.
NeoHooDoo, a phrase coined by celebrated poet Ishmael Reed in 1970, celebrates the practice of rituals, folklore, and spirituality in the Americas beyond the scope of Christianity and organized religion. The endurance of these centuries-old traditions of magic and healing are the unique focus of his books.
In the late 60s Reed adopted the 19th-century term “HooDoo,” referring to forms of religion and their practice in the New World to explore the idea of spiritual practice outside easily definable faiths or creeds and ritualism on contemporary works of literature and art. “Neo-HooDoo,” he writes in his 1972 collection of poetry, Conjure, “believes that every man is an artist and every artist a priest.” His seminal poems, “The Neo-HooDoo Manifesto” and “The Neo-HooDoo Aesthetic,” delve even deeper into this artistic practice to demonstrate its vitality as an international, multicultural aesthetic that embraces spiritual creativity and innovation.
Shrines are where the gods whisper.

The Visionary in 2022
“WE WILL WALK.”—Visionary artist musician mystic Lonny Holley
“We will emerge with a better vision. Not until this moment are we seeing the people who make this world work: the myriad invisibles, the anonymous, the undocumented, the overworked and underpaid professionals—some of whom we don’t even grace with the status of ‘professionals’ or pay them a living wage or take care of their health.” —Julia Alvarez, We Will Emerge: Awareness
Tell all my children they are the creators. Create your worlds to keep me well. You are the creators. Create your worlds to keep me well. These were her words, the Old Woman of the Sacred Mountain.
Best to stay away from religion and go for the dreaming—the most powerful religion of them all. —Paul Cox
“Those who lose their Dreaming are truly lost.” —Indigenous Australian proverb
Nikola Tesla showed how to get energy free from the air around us, yet he died in obscurity and poverty, while his works and ideas were stolen, hidden from the world by Elite tycoons of his day who saw the threat he posed to their power and wealth. (Tesla image: Facebook)

I get it. NOW WE KNOW!
The INVISIBLES altered everything. They stole free energy and that technology from us! The first Indigenous tribal people who are killed are shamans, healers and pauwas. Our own sacred medicine power and healing ability was buried under piles of religion. They created fake gods and fake mythology. They’ve altered the relationship between men and women. They’ve altered the meanings of families. They’ve altered the rights of the child, done through the United Nations. That’s what Bertrand Russell said their goal was, way back in the 1940s. And so, “THEY” the INVISIBLES, achieved their goals slowly over time, over centuries.-TLH

I use my 528 Hz Tuning Fork to clear and clean our spaces, on our bodies, for transformation and miracles, and repairing DNA with this vibration, it allows for increased energy, awareness and clarity. This vibration actually activates spiritual enlightenment, awakening, and yes—creativity.
I ask myself, “Self, what are you planning for me?”
I hear back…
Create Beauty!
[Google: panpsychism]
To see Nick Cave exhibit: Until
At MASS MoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts
(My Photos: September 2017)

This Fourth Industrial Revolution is, however, fundamentally different. It is characterised by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human. —Gary Walton, Big Wobble blog http://www.thebigwobble.org

REMEMBER: We are all made of vibrations from the chair you sit on, to your laptop in front of you, to the trees outside, the television and the person next to you. Sound is one of the most powerful forms of energy in existence and it can be healing too.
A psychic attack can cause terrible nightmares, fear in general of things you were never afraid before, feeling exhausted, sensing a presence, the inability to concentrate, goosebumps, the onset of depression, to name just a few… The best way to repel a psychic attack and repel negativity energy (from spirits, elementals, and negative malicious people) is through visualization—especially if you have a vivid imagination. Simply stand/or sit in an open area that feels fresh, light, clear, and close your eyes and imagine a radiant bright light that surrounds you head to toe and extends several feet from your body. (I chose bright white, but you can choose your favorite calming color.) Then, I exhale and breathe in deeply of the radiant light that surrounds me. Repeat as many times as you can until you feel clear of the negative energy that is always dark, heavy, and dense.—Psychic Karen DeMers Dowdall

What might James Baldwin say about our country of 2020?
He might say that if we continue to look the other way, this country will become entrapped in a momentum of destruction, racial intolerance and hatred that we won’t be able to stop. That the moment is now to oppose the growing, insidious will to undo civil liberties, suppress freedom of speech and withhold justice for all. That we have no other choice than to embrace our humanity while we still have it and fearlessly fight back.
James Baldwin might say, “I am my brother’s keeper and if I am destroyed, my brother is too.” Read The Fire Next Time and study what Baldwin wrote about race relations in the 1960’s—almost sixty years ago—some things have changed and much remains the same.
We, all of us, white, black, brown, yellow, red, the glorious rainbow of mankind, must refuse to go back to hatred and bigotry. Some might argue that we have already gone back beyond redemption. But I do not believe that. We have been misled and are lost, but together we can find our way. We have come too far to turn back now for we surely know that our only other recourse will be the fire next time.—Diane Richards, Harlem Writes Blog