Literatura complementar acerca da Aprendizagem de Recuperação e do Efeito da Testagem.
Sobre Aprendizagem e Memória
- Brains manage neurons like air traffic controllers manage airplane movements
- Neuroscientists find memory cells that help us interpret new situations
- Human memory: How we make, remember, and forget memories
- The Brain Maps Out Ideas and Memories Like Spaces
- MIT scientists discover fundamental rule of brain plasticity
- How memories are formed and retrieved by the brain revealed in a new study
Sobre Atenção, Foco e Perceção
- How anxiety affects your focus
- Multitasking between devices is associated with poorer attention and memory
- “Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters.
- What you’re seeing right now is the past, so your brain is predicting the present
- The Brain Reshapes Our Malleable Senses to Fit the World
- Science Explains Why Uncertainty Is So Hard on Our Brain
- Magic is helping to unlock the mysteries of the human brain
- How well you can identify colors, sounds, and tastes depends on where you come from
- Why two people see the same thing but have different memories
- “Hyperscans” Show How Brains Sync as People Interact
Sobre Aprendizagem e Técnicas de Ensino