
Book Title: The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher

Authors: fmanji1 and Karim Hirji

Cover image for The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher

Book Description: The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher is a riveting account of the bumpy first decade of the work life of Karim F Hirji, a retired Professor of Medical Statistics. Filled with a distinctive variety of eye-opening episodes, it covers lecturing at the University of Dar es Salaam, the life of a political exile in a remote rural area and the challenges of setting up from scratch a one-of-a-kind educational institute in Africa. With a style that seamlessly combines the personal with the general, Hirji provides an illuminating description of different aspects of the Tanzanian political, educational, economic and rural landscape during the 1970s. Starting with a commentary on teacher training, he concludes with a critical comparison of modern university education in the nation with that of the earlier era.

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Book Information

Book Description

The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher is a riveting account of the bumpy first decade of the work life of Karim F Hirji, a retired Professor of Medical Statistics. Filled with a distinctive variety of eye-opening episodes, it covers lecturing at the University of Dar es Salaam, the life of a political exile in a remote rural area and the challenges of setting up from scratch a one-of-a-kind educational institute in Africa. With a style that seamlessly combines the personal with the general, Hirji provides an illuminating description of different aspects of the Tanzanian political, educational, economic and rural landscape during the 1970s. Starting with a commentary on teacher training, he concludes with a critical comparison of modern university education in the nation with that of the earlier era.


fmanji1 and Karim Hirji


The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher Copyright © 2018 by Karim Hirji. All Rights Reserved.


Higher education, tertiary education


The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher
fmanji1 and Karim Hirji
Catherine McDonnell and William Warby

Published by
© Karim Hirji 2018
All Rights Reserved
Editorial Management: Firoze Manji
Cover design: Catherine McDonnell
Cover Photo:William Warby

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Hirji, Karim F., author
The travails of a Tanzanian teacher / Karim F. Hirji.
Includes bibliographical references.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-988832-09-8 (softcover).–ISBN 978-1-988832-10-4 (ebook)
1. Hirji, Karim F. 2. College teachers–Tanzania–Biography. 3. Education, Higher–Tanzania. 4. Tanzania–Politics and government–1964-. 5. Tanzania–Economic conditions–1964-. 6. Autobiographies. I. Title.

LA2388.T342H57 2018     370.92          C2018-901189-0



Primary Subject
Higher education, tertiary education
Daraja Press
Publisher City
Publication Date
April 2, 2018